Thursday, August 30, 2007

I think I found my motivational gift today. Actually its more like confirmation. Chip Ingram ( has been teaching on it and I downloaded his sermon notes. From the notes I decided my gift must be exhortation, but in leaving work today I caught a very small piece of his show. It was the piece on exhortation. Exhortation people are the "fixers"and that describes me very well- I see a problem I'm ready to implement a solution to avoid that problem further. One of the dangers he said was that people with that gift tend to get frustrated when things don't move, or people don't make progress very quickly. That is the conclusion I came to yesterday in reflecting on my frustration. I see so clearly what needs to be done to make things better and get terribly frustrated when little or no progress is made. That seems to be my life at present. A friend got a promotion and I'm frustrated slightly that he's not acting. He's probably frustrated with me because he feels me pushing him to bring up issues.

Its been a couple days since the last update. Tomorrow is the deadline for another task that has been hanging over my head. Its not ready, but I feel better about it (spring schedule) because I may have some PT help lined up.

The review today is Luke 3 The Luke story of John the Baptist ministry. John emphasized bearing fruits in keeping with repentance, bearing fruits is an active task. Lineage, heritage, past do not guarantee right relationship with God. Its a day to day thing. As fruit trees produce fruit every year, so should Christians accomplish feats clearly showing their love for God regularly. How- Share your resources with those in need, if you have authority over people, do not use that authority to take advantage of others. Jesus was baptized by John and started His ministry. The lineage of Jesus is then recorded 77 generations between creation and Jesus. Enoch was generation 7 and he was taken to heaven. Wonder if anyone has tracked Jesus brothers' lineage to see how many generations has passed? Wonder what happens at 777? Oh that Jesus would come soon.

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