Friday, August 24, 2007

I savored today the teaching of the Lord. Isa 55:8 and how God's plans are not our plans and how God's thoughts are not our thoughts. That passage struck me that my wife and I think differently and do things differently, and that our marriage relationship is a model for my relationship with Christ. Additionally it came to me that when she hugs me it is the closest thing in this life to being hugged by God. Whether our ways and thoughts are the same or not. It definitely will require some continued reflection in that area, and thinking in those terms I realize many of my own shortcomings.

I put the marriage and the Isaiah quote in my other written log to review and post here at some later date. It will be neat to review it again, and add any additional thoughts that come to mind. Personal relationships are so deep, and God is so deep I can't imagine it- I'm pretty sure there is a scripture to that effect. My thought for today is just a praise of God, and that He wants a special relationship with each and everyone of us is again mind boggling.

The review and posting for toaday is Luke 2. It required some slight rewording for some clarity and it was a joy to review it.

God used a government decree to get Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus. That is very striking in the chapter. Even though the government wasn't faithfully following the Lord (few do) He is in control and when He wants something to happen it does.

Additionally God working through the birth of His Son resulted in celebration by the shepherds. He sent angels to the shepherds who rejoiced, and decided to go see the special baby.

When Jesus was presented at the Temple, two of God's servants recognized who He was even though He was an eight day old baby. People who study and follow God are aware of what He is doing. One was promised that he would not die until he saw the Lord's Christ. He was grateful and rejoiced even though the Lord's Christ was a baby. Anna had been in the temple for most of her life serving God and she also recognized Christ as a baby.

Twelve years pass to a time when Jesus was 12 and His family went to Jerusalem. He got separated from them on the return trip and Mary and Joseph looked for Him for "Three" days. The "three" days jumps out at me for some reason, I see it as a similarity to the cross and He was separated from His followers for three days. At 12 years old when His parents found Him, He was doing His Father's business. When He went to the cross He was doing His Father's will.

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