Sunday, August 26, 2007

Well the self reflection is coming along. There are some hard questions, and most of them were adapted for students to think about what they wanted out of their education. I changed it to focus on my career, and to reflect on whether or not I wanted to continue my education. I came up with things I want more so in life rather than from education. Being debt free is a repeated theme, and some of my wants would be easily fulfilled with that accomplished. Additionally I think helping others is important.

From this list we are to write a purpose statement. My first draft:

My purpose is to serve God and my Lord Jesus Christ by:
-Using my knowledge and teaching folks skills and concepts that lead to a better life for ALL - no one left behind, or no progress at the expense of others- way too common these days.
-To give a substantial part of my income back to the work above, meaning time and money. More than a tithe or a tenth- there is nothing more important than people collectively living for God. From my Bible readings and my knowledge of history it has NEVER happened completely. Close but not quite, and not sustained - our human condition is pretty fallen.
-To enjoy His creation of nature and spend time in His nature and enjoy His created beauty.

I still need something concerning how to approach relationships. Haven't thought much of it, but as I was typing this I need something there.

The log entry is Matthew 3. Matthew 3 is the Matthew version of John the Baptist ministry and the Baptism of Jesus. What struck me was that Pharisees and Sadducees started coming for Baptism. Why? Was it the commotion caused by the people? John asked who warned them, and then charged them to bear fruit in keeping with repentance. He further reminded that lineage was not a factor or a guarantee of anything, that God could make "children" of Abraham from stones. He absolutely could - if we were made from dust.

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