Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I did assign some HW today. Easy though and minimal-some of my students work.

Wow- this study skills class is exactly what I needed. It is causing me to to review and define things and basically explore myself. Most of the tips it gives are biblical, even though the Bible isn't referenced. For example on changing habits it says to: determine your values, envision the new habit or characteristic mentally, affirm it by speaking like its already in existence. Then practice it. Its like exercising (exactly like) exercising faith. Its been marvelous. In a few pages the text asks the student to reflect on some goals around school and other goals in your life. One of the exercises I did complete asked us to thumb through the book and find interesting topics we want to explore. I need some name remembering skills, conflict tips, and to establish the habit of being more positive. All of which are topics we will explore. Its also neat that the advice given so far is based on the Bible, I just wonder if the author knows? There is a lot of good practical life advice contained in the Bible, and God has provided it for us. I didn't read it when I was young for all the reasons people probably give for not reading it: didn't need it, its out of date, its the book that people who think they are better than me are always promoting and they are hypocrits so it can't be for me. Sadly with age I realize that none of those reasons are valid. The hypocrits I spoke of may promote the Bible but they didn't get their attitude from reading it, sadly most of them probably have never read it.

Anyway another reflection entry :Matthew 1 God told Abraham that he God would bless all nations through Abraham. 42 generations later Christ was born. Forty-two consider that for a minute. At our very best we might be able to get together 4-5 generations of people- you've seen the photos. Imagine 42, but God kept His promise as He always does.

The text then shifts to Joseph and Mary engaged. Joseph finds out she is pregnant -so he assumes as anyone would that she had slept with someone else, or committed adultery. Scripture contains several passages about not being involved with those who commit adultery or you also will be guilty. Joseph knowing this and trying to follow God plans to obey the written word thus far and the teachings he had received. God specifically intervenes to inform him that the situation with Mary is different and he is to go ahead and marry her. God specifically spoke to Joseph (through a dream) and Joseph obeyed because he knew it was God and that this situation was different from the teaching he had received. Joseph was not stubbornly set in his ways- he did his best to do what he believed God wanted and was open to new information (new leadings) and then followed them faithfully. That we would ask God to direct our lives, and do what He would tell us. We also need to be sure if we are led in a new way that it is from God. One of the tricks of satan is to pretend to be an angel of light. God will make sure you understand its from Him if you question. He will tell you multiple times if it is from Him and you will have a quiet confidence that it is from Him.

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