Monday, August 27, 2007

I haven't looked again at my purpose statement, but have rather moved on to look at my strengths and weaknesses. I'm part of the way through that, and today became a very frustrating day. First thing I had a good solution to a problem that I hear more or less constant grumbling about at work- evening coverage. I shared my idea with my manager and he wrote back that he agreed but basically he was not going to have the policy reviewed. Nothing is of course written so its one of those policies of whim, and not the whim of the people who have to make sacrifices to implement. "Policy of whim" what a neat concept, and how prevalent. I see so clearly the importance of saying what you do -in writing, and doing what you say. I've had experience in implementing that kind of change, and have witnessed the benefits. So the really frustrating part is when people choose not to change things in a positive direction. I can clearly see the ramifications of the status quo, and can easily come up with how the given "reasons" will fail. I used to think of that trait in me as a negative, but I see it now as a positive. People labeling me as "troublemaker" or someone with a "negative opinion" is merely their opinion. Its far easier to label someone than strive to understand their point of view. I'm just as guilty as anyone of that- something to improve on. I also attended "mandatory training" which conflicted with my classes, and by the time I got to class some of my students -that were alerted to the fact I would be late had decided I took too long and left. last night in our Bible read and share group a lady said just Praise God when things don't go well. So praise God, Praise God.

Before updating the blog I was looking at employment options elsewhere, and not praising God. it seemed a dead end, of course I have a vision for what I want- I just didn't see any. Maybe I'm not supposed to. One of the things I identified as a weakness or a reason I'm not successful is overcommitting, or having to many irons in the fire. That was readily apparent today. I did however work one thing closer to being off my list- spring schedule. I have a tentative plan, but when I put it down to go home and consider it some more, I had this terrible urge to tear it into a zillion pieces. Scheduling on the surface seems easy, but coordinating classes so there is no conflict timewise between classes of other instructors and always going last has gotten really old. The goal is a good one- make sure students can take as many classes as they want. Since I agree with that as a desirable goal I really stress over scheduling.

Oh well enough- most people have quit reading by now. Mark 1 is today's review. Mark covers Jesus arrival, ministry of John the Baptist , His Temptation, calling the first disciples and the start of Jesus ministry all in the first chapter. He went to Simon's mother-in-law and healed her. Once that word got out, everyone with sickness or demon possession was brought to Him, He healed many. The text says "all" were brought to him and He healed "many". I don't know how it is worded in the original Greek. God Through Jesus certainly could heal "all", but He may chose not to. depending on how it fits into His will. Jesus did seek a secluded place to pray- which He did regularly, and then moved around starting His ministry. Word got out that He was able to heal, so people sought Him out. As I was reading this it struck me about the leper He healed. If the leper that beseeched Jesus to heal him did not have leprosy, would he have sought Jesus out? Is sickness and disease allowed by God to draw people unto Himself, what else would make them come otherwise? People focus on God during crisis usually after other avenues have been exhausted. The same is true for sickness and disease. People run to a doctor, but when the doctor can't help them or the treatments don't work then suddenly God becomes a priority in peoples lives. We should put Him first, I think it would save some anxiety in our lives.

Putting God first will make dealing with human policies of whim easier.

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