Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My classes went well today but there will be challenges. HW is the largest one. I need to develop meaningful HW assignments that aren't too burdensome, but give the students a chance to work with the important concepts important in the class. Too much and they won't do it, but rather seek "extra credit" to make up for the credit the make a decision not to do. Also HW is a burden on me in terms of grading. This semester also presents the challenges of having to help the students progress a long way in their learning in a short time. I do feel as though I didn't mislead them in advising, I said the courses would reinforce each other, but that a great deal of work would be required. Based on the reaction I saw, they underestimated the required commitment. I need to reinforce the material with something and pray for their patience and commitment.

I'm feeling better- many people are praying for me and I can sense it. The pastor sent an email reminding us that God's thoughts are always on us, He wants the best for us (but will allow us to do our own thing even if it hurts other people), and He wants a relationship with us. Oh that we could keep our sights set on Him rather than falling back into our own personal selfishness.

To continue reviewing and posting, the next entry is from John 1. The word became flesh, He created the world, Jesus was there with the Father during creation. All the beautiful things we see in nature Jesus created, all the things we have discovered He allowed. I wonder if He thought of each of us that marvel at the beauty of creation as he made it? He possibly looked through time at the smile we show when we see some beauty and marvel of God.

We get a glimpse of John the Baptist- doing what He was called to do, following the instructions God gave him for his life. I don't feel as though I have a specific direction or instructions to follow in terms of my life, its something I seek. In John's case people started following him and became his disciples, but when Jesus came by they left John for Jesus as they should have. He let them and knew that that was the best thing. We too often cling to relationships and other things that we should send on to Jesus.

The Pharisees didn't understand or didn't foresee the ministry of John the Baptist and went to ask him questions, while the disciples recognized the Messiah. Who was in tune with the Father? The Pharisees studied the scripture, but through their own selfishness and personal agendas became blind to truth, they missed it. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in things like a church and our habits we feel bring us closer to God, that we forget our mission. Reach out. Let Christ live through us, go to the people of the world. The disciples realized they needed God and with that were receptive to His coming into their lives and following Him. The Pharisees thought they had it all figured out, and didn't realize they needed God.

We should develop the habit of daily study and asking God for direction so we can see Him moving and working. This will make us more aware of His plans, and lessen our focus on our own plans. However, we will never be "perfect" in this life, we need to constantly be aware of our continuing need for God. Or else we will become blind and fall into the trap of the Pharisees.

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