Monday, September 3, 2007

Matthew 11:24-25 have been on my mind lately. Throught the Bible reading group that I'm in we have discussed speaking things that we want to happen. Then this verse, and might I also add the importance of walking with God and wanting what He wants and asking for what He desires. It has also been apparent that we can't ask for others to change- that is similar to blaming others. We must focus on the things that don't involve others, or maybe that do involve others, but also ourselves. Otherwise we can easily fall into the blame game which is to be avoided.

I haven't updated, and I've fallen behind on my Bible reading. I remain with a feeling of being terribly run down, although praise and worship last night lifted my spirits. Working on the trail today helped also. I think I have failed as a husband and father, on too many issues I haven't taken authority to make sure it goes the way I think and am led to believe it should. I've started praying to straighten it out, and it seems one of those things only God can fix. Maybe I'm listening to satan because it does seem that once family habits form, and then last 20 years, they are difficult to change, whereas God says speak what I want, and doubt not and He will give it to me- strong functional families are something He wants. I'm trying to cling to that.

Matthew 4 Matthew includes details of the temptation of Christ. He was "led by the Spirit", and fasted. If we let ourselves be led by the Spirit, and fast in order to draw closer to God one might believe we would not be in a situation that the devil could be successful tempting us, but that is exactly when satan went after Jesus. Satan appealed to His hunger- Esau sold his birthright for a meal, When I'm hungry i'm less likely to be careful with money. When I'm tired its hard not to give in to bad ideas, I've got a significant history of that. Satan tempted Jesus to do something where God would have to supernaturally act to prevent His physical harm. We should use this as a reason not to violate the physical laws we know. If God who is able wants to violate those laws, then its His prerogative. Example like the widow's oil, later feeding 5000 with a few fish and loaves. Thirdly satan offered Him power and prestige, the world's, in this life. It takes faith to endure some parts of this life because its the right thing to do. In other words are you living for this world or the next, or even better -are you living for yourself or for God. The end of Matthew four reports the calling of disciples and the starting of His ministry. People brought infirm people to Him (all of them) and He healed them. People seem to innately believe in God when it comes to being healed or having a friend healed. They realize there is something beyond themselves when they run out of worldly options.

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