Friday, September 7, 2007

The semester is progressing, and some things I needed to complete I finally have. Whew. I hate grading, I may try the portfolio in all my classes, and let the students "show" me what they have learned in my classes, and then grade them accordingly. OK "hate" is negative and I'm trying to avoid that- still. I need to find efficient ways to grade, that is both meaningful and reinforcing of class material. A portfolio of lab work, and class assignments, and then a cumulative final. it may work. The portfolio may even be their notes for the final. I'm going to think about that a while.

Speaking of negativity, I've noticed I must be careful who is around at lunch. I also get easily frustrated when things appear not to make positive progress, or progress at the rate I think they should. I repent, and I am trying to understand myself better and thus be more positive. I think my students are learning, again at the rate I think they should??? I really have difficulty with students that miss class, then show up for the next one and say "I have no clue what is going on", and then leave again. This is not a negative statement, but rather a fact- I've seen it. I want to help them- whew.

Luke 4 The temptation of Christ by Luke. Same temptings as Matthew same result although the order is different. One thing that struck me in is that in one of Jesus responses He made clear that - All the kingdoms of the world are less important than worshiping God. He also starts His ministry reading from Isaiah and proclaiming that portion of prophecy fulfilled. The jews were then stirred up in anger when He reminded them of Elijah and the widow and the healing of Naaman the leper. Their national pride must have been strong because the crowd intended to throw Jesus off a cliff for saying that, but He passed through their midst- were they blinded like in Sodom, or angels came and made Him a path to walk through because they did not touch Him. He healed ALL the sick and demon possessed people brought to Him and ALL in the area were. Do we medicate our demons, and in so doing give them some kind of honor and prestige in our lives , and they in return knowing we make them a priority don't torture us to the same extent? Clearly chronic long term conditions will tend to take your focus off of the Lord. A recent daily devotional was talking about a Christian watching idol worship go on. Their first thought was disgust, but it was revealed to them (maybe by the Holy Spirit) that rituals they were seeing were probably easier to deal with than having a relationship with God. Being ritualistic is easier than learning to listen for God, to God and have relationship with Him. Some people hold firmly to their rituals and some people hold firmly to their infirmities. God is greater than all of it, and doesn't want anyone bound, He wants a relationship with you. The answer is to take the infirmity to Jesus, and put God as Lord over all things.

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