Friday, September 14, 2007

I've stayed up too late, but reading the Bible is always a blessing, and some things have been on my mind I wanted to write down. I typed them in my journal so to speak of New Testament thoughts and in about 30 blog entries it will show up. If I still find it relevant that is. In my yearly reading I have just finished the gospels, but noticed my log had 22 gospel chapter entries left. I hope to focus on those prior to continuing, but I will miss Paul and his letters, so we will see how that works out. My personal anti-negativity campaign is not without difficulty, but I think I'm becoming more aware of it and being more like I should be. I just need to listen and obey. I also feel terribly burdened at work, and someone said I seemed depressed (which maybe true), but it maybe more in the line of frustration. You see or hear or sense another's troubles and can very clearly see a solution a fix a permanent positive change, but since it is tied to Jesus they don't want to hear it. Jesus is associated with religion and depending on a person's religious experience there may be bad connotations. Oh that people would consider Him on His merits, and seek a relationship with Him just to see where it goes.

Well for the review it was John 3. Nicodemus recognized (as did other Pharisees) that God was with Jesus by His miracles. John 3:8 also sticks out in terms of showing the unpredictability of those folks led by God. We as people are always trying to define things, we make assessments of people and feel like we can predict them based on what we perceive. Verse 8 is God's reminder that He is not predictable, and neither are the people that follow Him. I think its an important point for example that what is right for one church may not be right for another, and over time the Spirit may (will) lead people and churches in different directions. John 3:27 is John the Baptist's confession that he can only do what God wants him too. He was generally well revered (at least a curiosity) but he confessed his place and that what he had accomplished was given to him by God and that all anyone could ever do is what God has ordained or given to them.

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