Friday, September 21, 2007

I'm having a hard time being positive, but yet the path to happiness doesn't go through negativity. Tomorrow is the traditional day of atonement, and I've been thinking of what I could "sacrifice". There are so many options, -money, food, etc. I see and hear people talk about what is wrong with this world, and at no point do they say we are following Christ to too great an extent. Mostly what they say treats a symptom. A symptom caused by a lack of following Christ. Truly and not what they may have seen accomplished by hypocrits. In some cases I'm sure I appear as a hypocrit, and hopefully a person will look past my failures and catch a glimpse of what I'm trying to follow. Of course focusing on hypocrisy is easier sometimes than admitting that we as individuals are imperfect and make mistakes. Well I thought additionally I might start typing my prayer or at least my prayer thoughts, if for no other reason than to vocalize them (or at least record them). We're supposed to pray solutions and not problems. In which case it is God's desire for a wonderful family life and work life, but mainly a close relationship with Him. Work has been tough- reactionary policy with its potential problems seem to leap off the page at me and I grieve over the blindness that has allowed this state to occur. Calling it to someone's attention will mean I may get labeled "troublemaker" but do I care more for a label given by men, or in doing the right thing? Its a choice that many have made. I also want to make God even more of a focus in my life, but work presents an obstacle if I choose to let it- great another choice. My prayer is to remain firm in my beliefs and quietly exhort people in the right direction when the opportunity arises.

Anyway the scripture from 10 months or so ago is John 4. Chapter 4 has the Samaritan woman at the well story. He reached across ethnic and gender lines to talk to her. She had been married multiple times in addition showing that God reaches out to all. In addition the worship of God verse 23 does not depend on physical earthly location. Rituals can be dangerous, its spirit and truth. Worship of God is an encounter with Him, and we as worshipers should expect Him to be a part of our worship. He is there whether we detect it sensually or not. We also need to confess and purify our hearts in the Lord's presence. In verse 48 Jesus says unless people see signs and wonders they will not believe. His Word says He is there when two or three are gathered in His name whether we sense it or not.

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