Wednesday, September 12, 2007

In study skills class we are keeping logs of how we spend time. Its a good exercise to "see" where all the time goes, and hopefully make the necessary choices for positive change. The chapter we are on is "planning". One of the points of the chapter is that we don't plan, but are rather carried away by life. When that happens we find ourselves "too busy", "don't have time", etc. Another point it makes is that the important things get done. As a parent if your child needs to go to the doctor it happens, regardless of how "busy" you are. So lately I've been thinking about these things along with some advice I was given years ago in a factory- "in a hundred years it won't matter". How many of the things we worry about, stress over, feel burdened by -won't matter in a hundred years? I think people relationships have the best chance of "mattering" in fact I would say they do, whereas watching that TV show, or getting in "one more load of laundry" probably won't.

Another thought I had today based on my logging of time spent is computer access. There are times I'm reading on the computer from the Internet. Years ago a person had to do their reading from a book. The thought struck me that while the Internet may exceed in quantity, the quality has a good chance of being diminished as compared to a book (that was reviewed and approved by some process).

I'm glad I read this again from last November, it was just as relevant today. John 2 The wedding in Cana. Its very interesting that I just read about old wine in old wine skins and new wine in new wine skins and how they shouldn't be mixed. I took that to mean the covenants God made with the people through following the Law (old wine) and the new covenant believing in His Son. Both amounted to the same thing in terms of truly following the law leads anyone to the place they realize they can't do it on their own but need divine help. So they accept the sacrifice of Jesus if living after the cross and look to God to forgive their sins if they lived before the cross. Jesus miracle at the wedding was turning water into wine which the headwaiter proclaimed that the new wine was much better than the old. I wonder if this is referring to covenants? it is also interesting that Jesus told His mother His time had not yet come, but still obeyed her as a child is commanded to do in the ten commandments. This chapter also involves the driving the moneychangers out of the temple, God's house should not be a place of business. Jesus had many people believe because of His signs and wonders, but did not trust Himself to man because He knew their hearts. People can seem Godly and seemingly accept Jesus but we don't know their hearts, only God does and in this instance He chose not to confide in them.

In my walk/run today I went alone. I cherish the reflection time. I can think of how far I have to go, how tired my body is, or I can think about God. Today (Nov 8, 2006) it came to me that we have basically two choices in life. We can do things in a way we reason suits us best, or we can do things God's way. I guess I thought of it because going out to run I almost did not. I didn't feel like it, I had other work to do that I needed to do, but I went because I know I need a certain amount of exercise. Toward the end of the run I was feeling the joy of the accomplishment, but I could plainly remember the doubt or reservation I had in leaving. Following God is like that. Looking into our future there are certain things we know we should do for God. They require sacrifice and discomfort on our part, there is usually an alternative that is more pleasing to our self. We may not realize the reward in following God in this life and we know it, whereas not following God seemingly has rewards and in a quicker more immediate time frame. Then I thought of times I had not followed God, I made a clear choice not to, the "reward" for doing so seems so inconsequential now. Actually there is regret, anguish. I contrasted that with times I followed God consciously in this life and realized His reward (or part of it) I can't think of any regrets in those cases I only have pleasant memories. How true is "there is a way that seems right unto man ... I don't know why that came to me on a run, but I'm glad it did and may I be constantly reminded of that truth as I live the rest of my life and face the choices that will inevitably come.

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