Monday, October 8, 2007

Its been a while , and I'm jumping ahead. But I've learned so much.

Acts 1 This is a very interesting chapter, not so much for what happens but my current circumstances. Last week at Wednesday Bible study our practice is for a person to share, and then rotate (have another volunteer). We had spoken of fear and how we should face it, but when the time came for someone to volunteer nobody really wanted it (it seemed there was fear over it). I suggested we draw straws and let God choose, it was related to me about Matthias the person chosen by the disciples to replace Judas Iscariot. That person "was never heard from again in scripture". Now drawing straws is both old testament and new and some decisions can seemingly go either way and be Godly, so I believe the Father honors it.

For instance switching jobs as an example- you might argue that you need to switch jobs because the folks at your current job aren't Christians, and their behavior is dragging you down. There may be a temptation to fall and changing jobs is a way out- as promised. On the other hand as a Christian we're supposed to be in the world, so God may want to use you to bring His word and His attitudes before your co-workers, they probably aren't going to church. So what do you do? God doesn't need you to bring His word to your co-workers, but He also wants you to mature spiritually, and we feel weaker than we probably are and therefore look for an easy out. In this case after much prayer and consultation lots may be the only way to determine how to proceed. Of course part of the lot process is abiding by His decision.

Now God is not in lots if you are trying to decide if its OK to sin. depending on what it is sin is clearly forbidden. Another use for lots is a sign, again you must be willing to abide and the choices must not be against scripture. That may be why this story is in Acts 1. Most people will tell you the disciples were disobedient- Jesus told them go to Jerusalem and "wait". Wait for the Holy Spirit was His directive, or wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Sprit. Drawing lots for a replacement disciple may not be waiting, and the apostle Paul is generally regarded as the "replacement" for Judas. I heard the "disobedient" piece, and about Paul today on the radio. Its interesting how God works.

Another thing I'm hearing is about the ten spies in Canaan. It was on the devotional I get from WMIT the radio station I listen to. The 10 spies reported factual information and opinions based on their experience. Trouble is this denied the power of God. The question is are we one of the 10 sometimes? Another little message was that we don't ask God big things. In the same way of the 10 spies, not asking for exceeding blessings, but rather "just what we feel we need" denies the power of God. So ask big was the thought- it pleases Him. There isn't anything He can't do: heal sick, fix relationships. He may say no, but He'll be pleased you asked.

One more thought and then I quit for today. In dealing with people isn't it far easier if both have a similar concept of God? Look at all issues the politicians bring up, and other social issues that people have different ideas on how to "fix". My thought was that at any point of friction between me and another individual, the topic of conversation (at least mine) needs to turn to how I view God, and how I came to that opinion, and maybe even the scriptures that support my belief. I know there will still be differences of opinion in some cases but it may be a witnessing prompt in others. My prayer is for me to be emboldened and ask people who have differing opinions, or who want things I disagree with "how (hopefully Biblically) they came to that position.

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