Monday, January 28, 2008

Well I didn't get this posted yesterday. I took a rest, and I had some other things going on. Today is good I hope everyone will be blessed.

Matthew 16 Why does Jesus say "an evil an adulterous generation seeks after a sign"? I have on many occasions asked God for a sign, some evidence as proof when doubt comes. In addition I've promised things for that sign. Whether we see God act or not we have to have faith that He is and we have to act on that faith. In my life I've seen miracles, I've felt God's guidance, His direction in my life. Still I ask for Him to do something from time to time, I want to test Him like Gideon.
Later in the chapter Jesus tells Peter he is the rock on which He will build His Church. Jesus knows that Peter will deny Him after this but He is looking past that to what Peter is. Jesus knew Peter as that rock, when we get to heaven we'll be known as we're known. How does God see us individually. That is something we should reflect on from time to time. Are we prone to something that is not Godly. Right after Jesus tells Peter who He is, He tells them He must be given over to wicked men. Peter starts to rebuke the Lord, and the Lord says "get behind Me, satan!" This rock on which He will build His Church is influenced by satan, or as the Lord says Peter was setting his sights on man's interest and not the Lord's.
Jesus reiterates that following Him means sacrifice. Denial of self, then He asks a question. What good is it for man to gain the whole world if he loses his soul? Our trials and problems in this world, the sacrifices we make (working long hours) who are we doing that for? Ourselves for this world is probably the most accurate answer in most cases. My point is that most people sacrifice time, resources, something of value to them (or potential value) in order to get something they want. When we should be sacrificing and denying ourselves for Jesus, we wind up sacrificing and denying ourselves for the world (or things in the world). His question illustrates the potential of man and the reality that people are willing to sacrifice to a great extent for what they think is gain.

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