Sunday, January 13, 2008

Today was youth Sunday in church. They ran the service, and one of them preached. A high school student, her message was right on target. She talked about forming new habits and how it takes about twelve days. This is something people do in January, but she also talked about getting out of positive habits. That only takes about 12 days as well. For me the activities of life, and the goal to finish my new testament review have just taken away my resolve, and I haven't been Bible reading like I should.

On a positive note I feel God has reminded me that His time frame is what matters, and not mine. I have also been spending time in the gorge marveling at the Master's handiwork. My previous posts on love and now this reminder of how those closest to us appear to us, and us to them is another little message from God.

It is so important to regularly be in God's word, additionally it is important to stay there.

Mark 6 This chapter is a different take on things I have previously wrote about. The story is repeated about how Jesus although well received in His hometown, the people became skeptical that it was God. A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown, among his relatives , and in his own household. Those closest to us cannot see the change God has made in our lives, not just from a prophet standpoint but just in our Christian walk. For instance the close family members that I knew before they walked with God, the change in their lives isn't as pronounced as those acquaintances I know less well who walk with God. I'm sure those that knew me before I walked with God also don't see as big an impact on my life as I feel. They may be skeptical of my progress. Jesus wondered at the unbelief of His town, relatives and household, its no wonder that we wonder about those closest to us and they wonder about us.
Mark 6 He summoned the 12 (includes Judas) and sent them out in pairs. They were supposed to cast out demons heal the sick and preach repentance. If Judas had been ineffective in this mission would one of the gospels have recorded that somewhere? It further records that they reported back to Jesus ALL they had done, again another opportunity for potentially documenting a problem with Judas. "Any kingdom divided among itself will fall".
The healing of the sick, the feeding of 5000, and the going to His disciples at night are all recorded in this chapter as well, and I already commented on them. It is interesting to note that in the feeding of the 5000 more was collected after the meal than they had before the meal.

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