Thursday, January 24, 2008

I heard some good wisdom today about the truth of abortion. I was blessed by my son, and what I was able to accomplish. We've been splitting wood, and the hardest is now finished. Another potential blessing could be about to happen as well- someone is interested in me part time and the pay is excellent. We'll see if it works out. My reading and updating is going well also, I hope to put the entire file somewhere with a link to it here for everyone. Not that people are reading but, I feel very led to finish.

I've started writing things other than "thanks" and "sincerely" in signing emails. I often will just put a positive thought like - "Your day will go well" or similar in the hopes that days will be brightened. I also have been praising God when I hear good news. I know He is blessing. May everyone that reads this be blessed in such a way that there is no mistake but that it came from God.

John 6 This chapter gives John's account of feeding 5000. In this account they also took up more leftovers than they started with. Verse 37-40 are of interest I used to work with someone who believes in predestination as opposed to freewill. God has to call you for you to come to a knowledge of Jesus and He doesn't call everyone is basically their belief. In reading verse 37 it can actually be broken into two parts those that God has called - like Mary and Joseph, Paul and other Bible figures that God used throughout History to carry out His will. There is an "and" there also about that Jesus will not cast out those who come to Him. This verse can be read and interpreted two ways. In other parts of the Bible it states that those who seek God will find Him. God allows everyone to come to Him, and some people He puts a specific calling on their life to accomplish His will. Not that He needs a certain specific person, but rather that is what he desires.
Later Jesus talks about eating His flesh and drinking His blood, and as a result(verse 66) many withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore. Was it that they were never truly called, maybe participating in a fad? Or did they seek Jesus and decide the cost of following Him was too great?
He does mention that He chose His 12 disciples but that one is a devil (v70). Did God choose Judas and then predestine him to turn from following the Lord, or was Judas truly called and then decided on his own to turn away? That can be argued either way with Biblical support, but its pointless to argue. No side is going to win, because that would mean they have "figured" God out. Put Him in a box so to speak. Arguments are a distraction to doing kingdom work, we each will come to believe what we do about God based on the amount and depth of our own personal study. God is faithful He will show each of us what He wants us to see in His word. A different person reading the new testament as I have will probably record different things as God shows that person something else out of His word. That is a wonderful thing, depending on what you are going through God can use His word to educate and give you direction. You don't have to look up specific sections based on others experiences but rather you should just read it and let God speak to you through it. Just find a quiet place , still your mind from the cares of the world and read. God will not fail to show you something EVERY time.

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