Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I can't believe its been a week. Its so easy to get caught up in all the other responsibilities of life and slide communication to the side. But it ought not be that way, I may make the blog login my home page, as a reminder. Hope everyone has been doing well. My notes on the New Testament are nearly complete, I just lack the end of Revelation. That is somewhat problematic, because I was was studying it as part of a class -verse by verse, and that ended. So I like my first 9 chapters of notes but I need a resource for the rest of it. Oh well when done I hope to post it so that it might benefit someone.

Good teaching today from the Lord, and from the Bible as if that is surprising. So good I'm posting todays entry versus one I wrote a while back. I finally "saw" about imitating, and its a brief passage in 3 John. As I considered it I thought about my experiences as a dad. After writing and preparing it for the blog, I thought of the applications for teaching in the classroom. I need to get students to imitate success in a subject matter, and then their feelings and experience will grow.

Imitate good is promoted, and good is what should be imitated. Children pick up on the imitation and don't distinguish between good and bad. But why imitate? Thats what you do when the feeling of willingness to do something isn't there, coupled with the lack of experience, knowledge, or know how. You imitate actions (it is also a step of faith - do without being certain of the outcome) and the knowledge and feeling will come. The outcome will be something you find out as well.

3 John More good news of children walking in the truth, stepping out in faith, and deserving to be supported, and encouraged. Putting God first. Not all people do that, they want the spot light, be aware and avoid, gently correct, love them.

Imitate good – the feeling may not be there (yet), the knowledge of how to do it may not be there (yet). Aren't those the two things that prevent us humans from action? Either we don't “feel like it” or we don't have the confidence we can succeed. So we don't. Its also a step of faith- imitation means acting without knowledge of an outcome. This is especially important to tell children and an area in which I have shortcomings God please make up for them. Children certainly often lack the confidence, and may not feel like it. Looking back my kids had the feelings of wanting to try things when they were young, and I hindered them due to their lack of experience. As they got older and in a condition I thought “better prepared”, they no longer had an interest or a feeling to do it so they didn't. Had I studied the Bible earlier - I might have known this sooner and been a better father- more empowering.

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