Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bad TV and Halloween

The last couple of nights some of the TV programs became so bad I had to turn it off. Oh I love the days when we play the radio- set to the Christian station in Black Mountain (WMIT).

Ghost whisperer talking to dead people- clearly not a thing that God condones. The Bible gives an example of it happening, but it isn't condoned. To add to that we "learned" that when people die the good part and the bad part are "split up". How ludicrous, it sounds like and excuse to behave badly, and it was very disheartening to see that people watch this and seeds of bad thinking get planted.

On Law and Order we learned that is quite OK for the government to kill the really bad people, and be above the law.

I tried to watch a special on global warming, and they talked about how we're destroying the earth. In Jeremiah it says the earth groans at the sins of the people- our selfishness is consuming resources which may or may not be causing global warming. It is certainly making us slaves to our debtors. If we really had such a wonderful run of economic prosperity why are there huge slums and lots of poor? A slum in Africa was shown, along with sound bytes of George Bush calling us to return to space. Nobody is interested in feeding the poor (the 1/5 of the world that live on less than $1 per day), we're too self focused. Its also not good to point fingers of blame- claiming it is someone else's fault. Its a collective problem, and it points to the very principles Jesus taught, and are listed in the Bible.

The place I work did something for Halloween. They planned to give away candy to children. Some of the workers excelled at dressing up as witches, vampires, the grim reaper, etc. All the things that nightmares for small children are made of.

Come quickly Lord Jesus, teach in your gentle way, and open eyes, change hearts, draw people to Yourself. Selfishness and self-centeredness abound.

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