Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Romans 13 thoughts

I've ended for now my focused study for the most part. Not knowing where to read today I went back to my incomplete "New Testament Thoughts" and found the chapter I had left off at. It was Romans 13. Here are my thoughts.

Rom 13
Be subject to governments, they are appointed by God. At the very least they are allowed by Him. When I read this passage, I don't think of the government in the US although I see what I believe are dangerous trends. I think of the former government in Afghanistan (the Taliban) that are really terrorists. This scripture says an Afghan formerly needed to be subject to them. This does not say all governments obey God, but rather they have authority because He allows it. One day He will be the government, and we should all look toward that time. In the OT Ahab had a righteous subject who hid people in caves that Ahab was trying to kill (1 Kings 18). An example of doing what God asks of us in this passage even if the government doesn't recognize God.

Obadiah didn't resist authority but he rather did good. Jezebel was killing prophets of the Lord, but probably for whatever reason (maybe God inspired) did not ask Obadiah to help, or perform this. He followed a higher calling and hid them instead, and God protected him. In Romans 13 we are told that if we do good we will not have to fear authorities, and will in fact receive praise from them. Under oppressive regimes like the Taliban this seemingly is impossible. God however has a long history of protecting those that serve Him. Our doing good is a witness for Him, and He may use it to bring about change.

As a consequence of subjection we must pay taxes. Certainly in our time in the US our taxes go to support things that aren't of God, and this seemingly is about to get worse. Its not very efficient for instance to be opposed to abortion and then have the government come along and use tax money to provide abortion on demand- which seems to be where we are heading. However, not paying taxes is not an option. It makes us criminals, not witnesses for Christ. As witnesses for Christ maybe enough people will see the opposing sides and bring about change.

Being in subjection to the Government is a part of loving people. It is interesting that most people who don't recognize and follow the things of God seem to do so because the "rules" seem to be a list of "don'ts". If a person reflected as to God's reasons behind these prohibitions it doesn't take very long to see how what we think may be fun, in fact causes pain for others. If we love others do we cause them pain? We may hurt their pride, but our actions in fact protect and show love.

We are then admonished to love our neighbors. The Lord's return is closer than it was. In the message version there is a warning not to get so caught up in the things of the world that we forget God. I see people frenetically struggling and experiencing anxiety daily and yet without a God or Kingdom focus. We need to show the world God's love, it is the only thing that will bring about the true change that most of us desire. We need to take the focus off our personal wants and desires and place our desires along with those of God. Seeking instead what He wants.

Place God first always, personally do what He would want you to, and remember that being in subjection to the government that He has placed over you is a part of following Him. The inconsistencies you might see (that may be valid) are being pointed out by your enemy who is trying to drive a wedge between you and God. Between your pride and your enemy's prompting you may decide you know the best answer- better than God, and at that point you are following a lie.

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