Saturday, December 26, 2009

December 26, 2009

December 26 2009,

I couldn't sleep last night, and as is my custom I started praying. I
usually follow the outline of the prayer where Jesus taught His
disciples to pray. Often I never finish. Last night I got caught up in
the magnificence of God. He put the vast universe together, and vast in
a major understatement. He knit each and everyone of us together. Every
cell He thought of while putting us together. Again a major
understatement to think of the attention He pays to the smallest detail.
With it being Christmas time I was reminded that He came to earth as a
human to got through our experiences in this world - His world.

I got caught up in the recent thought I had that we often are afraid to
submit to God and do things His way because we are scared of what that
might mean. Of course we are afraid "I" don't know what God wants us to
do and "I" fear it. This "I" is the part of us that the devil appealed
to in Eden to get Adam and Eve to fall. This "I" is the part of us that
sees our life going a certain way- namely our way and not His. So fear
is certainly expected.

In thinking about who He is, and what He knows it became apparent to me
that not submitting to His ways is like trying to drive a twisty
mountain road blindfolded. A wreck is almost a certainty, and when we do
things our way we will assuredly wreck.

God will allow us to wreck as well. If we really want to be god in our
lives He won't prevent us. It will mean heartache and disappointment
because we are not God. If we through our choices decide we want to be
miserable, He will let us.

He does not desire that for us though. He is about justice and
righteousness. He is about fairness. That is His heart, and as God He
makes things fair and just in His way and not in the confines of our
human existence. We need to submit our "I" to His will, and obey.

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