Monday, February 2, 2009

The services on Feb 1 struck me with something I want to share. Most notably the eating of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Yes it was disobedient, but beyond that we (humans) had knowledge of good and evil. How many times have we "judged " or "decided " someones goodness or evil based on an action or activity a person is involved in? We can't know their heart, we can only get some indication a few signs. God knew this would be a major issue for us thus He warned. Not out of meanness but love. I believe only in Christ can we break this nature, and it will be something to be vigilant about.

Oh well my notes discussed Wednesday 09128

Isaiah 43:14

His way is the way it will be, and it isn't open for discussion. Babylon will be destroyed. Who makes a path through the sea - Red sea, a path through mighty waters- Jordan. The army extinguished- the Assyrian army surrounding Jerusalem. Extinguished- he took the breath He gave them back.

God is not a God of past accomplishments- look forward also. Will we be aware of His plans? - I think we can be, we need to ask Him. We can know His plans, and not be caught off guard.

Pray for God's will, pray he shows you the way you should go. It may be day by day, and that is OK. Ask for His vision and His sight for your day and the situations you will face. Valleys- we will have them, either as individuals or groups- we can count on it. Is it a growth opportunity? - He is interested in maturing us. Is it a faith opportunity? - He does want us to develop our faith. Is it to show His sovereignty? - that He is with us and bigger than any problem- He is. We need not fear, we are His creation, He did not make us to "sell" but rather to enjoy. He desires fellowship with us. We should seek that fellowship, because in that fellowship we will know what He is doing and thus NOT be caught off guard. "Do not Fear" is in the Bible 365 times, one for each day of the year.

Israel is undeserving, they don't call on Him, they got tired of Him, they robbed offerings from Him, they did not sacrifice for Him. His desires however are not burdensome, His desire is selflessness. We however our selfish, and our selfishness is sin and a burden. We have the wrong mindsets. God wipes away sin for His sake, and He doesn't remember.

We argue with God (also in Job 38 and 39). We don't have His viewpoint, and yet we want our way so bad that we foolishly try to justify ourselves. Consider this- We try and use our knowledge of good and evil (which our ancestors got by dis-obeying God) to bend God to act in ways we think are fair. Do we try to bend for fairness or our wants? Yet God knows hearts, He has set the standards and acts accordingly. He is also looking out for our best interests (not our wants). Is it fair for children to suffer? Is it fair for anyone to suffer? Bad people? God is looking at the heart, He wants nobody to suffer, and they won't in Him.

Ch 44 Cyrus

God created Israel (Jeshurun- poetic name for Israel His chosen) and promises to help them. It says He will pour out water on the thirsty - have to get thirsty first. He promises blessings on future generations. He will also help us His other chosen. He works to bring the disobedient to Him for His glory. He ALONE can accurately recount the past and predict the future- spoken again yet with a little twist. We humans tend to have revisionist history- ever heard anyone say the holocaust didn't happen, or that the US civil war was about slavery? Time allows us humans to spin things eventually changing the whys, or misrepresenting them. The war losers seldom get to express their opinion or perspective.

The folly of idolatry- our idols are not worth the value we think. An idol is something that we make to enjoy or to get money- which is another idol. It is something we also put above people and God. We make things and assign a price to them- how many people give away their workmanship. Idols are things of man- like God created us, so we create things. In creating these things we feel more secure and more godlike, and less dependent on God. They seemingly save us or we give them that power- but its really false. Making idols makes us weary, or getting idols (the pursuit of things) makes us weary. Ever seen someone killing themselves in pursuit of things?

Foolish- these idols made of raw material some of which become treasured, other parts end up in the trash heap. Carvings- some treasured, others used for fire. Can you think of any examples? We also idolize things that aren't special.

God created us and unlike our idols ( that we make) He redeemed us- or bought us, or purchased us back from our captivity. Being redeemed is being in a fallen state but having restitution paid. Our Creator did this for us His creation, and yet our idols we tend to give up on if there is an additional cost involved. They also can't save us. We can also reach a point it appears that we don't realize the effect an idol has on us. Being self reliant versus being God reliant puts our gods ahead of God. We can get so caught up - blinded by our actions.

I worked with a guy that really liked this chapter - out of one piece of wood came something treasured - maybe more important than another person or God, and also from the same material it was burned to bake bread to eat. Part readily destroyed part cherished.

The Lord redeemed Israel and shows His glory through them. God created- stretching out the heavens by Himself. He shows the wise they are foolish, and He confirms the word He gives His servants- those that faithfully recorded it for us.

Jerusalem a city that will be rebuilt after exile (God said it). Verse 28 Cyrus named 150 years before he was born. What will your children be named 3-5 generations from now? The temple foundation will be laid.

Historians say when Cyrus read the scripture about himself and was so moved he became determined to carry it out. If that is true- was a footnote- then we need to talk (speak) about future in the way God would have us - it clearly can affect it.

Ch 45 Cyrus

Specific scripture about Cyrus. What does God say for all of us that He did not name specifically in scripture. Just like Cyrus are His promises inspiring us and why not? He will gird Cyrus though he has not known Him, can the same be said about us? We are witnesses for Him, He will be known by our actions, and He is preparing the way.

The Lord created righteousness, as it pours down and goes into the earth salvation bears fruit and righteousness spring up with it.

Questioning God is ridiculous. Yet we wonder and we do question Him - one area that come to mind is "fairness". From the Message- would a sperm say to a father - who gave you permission to use me to make a baby? Or a fetus to a mother - why have you cooped me up in this belly? We, the creation questioning the creator?

Verse 11 He wants us to ask about the things to come from a committed to Him state. We the work of His hands. Its not about what we want or what we think should happen but He will tell us if we are committed to Him and He knows it. He knows our hearts.

Cyrus will free the Israelis and rebuild Jerusalem. Freedom is huge, but paying to help them rebuild their city would seem quite impossible. God is the God of the impossible. He will accomplish His purpose- even if we seem to think it impossible.

vs 18 God created the earth to be inhabited. Our life is fragile and God has protected it- His creation. He has no hidden agendas, but rather speaks righteousness and uprightness. His plans are available and can be known. They are hidden for us, but not from us. He wants us to turn to Him and away from self. From that decision He speaks plainly. Everyone will one day, but those that remain angry at Him will be put to shame.

People who don't know, or won't acknowledge His plans have made a choice. Maybe they don't know? Maybe they are mad - because they haven't got their way somewhere? We should pray and witness.

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