Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Notes discussed 0924 We had excellent discussion- thanks be to God.

Ch 46 Fall of Babylon

Bel and Nebo- the gods of Babylon have bowed to the God of heaven. It continues what happened way back in Ch 13 and 14. This nation's idols could not rescue, and were actually a burden, a load for a weary beast. God's plan happened, what He foretold is truth. Bel and Nebo the idols were carried off as spoil.

He hasn't changed since He predicted it, He never changes, even if its generations for us humans. He has no equal, there is no fair comparison of God to ???? anything or anyone. Doing so in any way would not be a fair representation of Him- I think this explains the first three commandments (Deut 5:7-9). There is no comparison and yet we realize (most of us) the intelligent design and planning of our fragile world. So we will tend to have gods, and He wants to make it clear that we cannot fully understand His magnificence.

Our idols can't be compared to Him, nor can they deliver- only He can. He has been in control in the past and controls both the present and future- accomplishing what He has said He would. Doing His pleasure.

If He spoke it, it will come to pass - a sure thing.

He loves us too and is patient with our stubbornness. The theme of Psalm 39 is an appeal for God's mercy because life is so brief. We are but a breath, and yet he is patient- teaching us- our entire lifetime of growing in Him. Our life on earth seems long to us, but is only a moment for Him.

Ch 47 Fall of Babylon

Babylon is to be reduced to dust - aren't we buckets of dust?

Grind with a millstone, no longer called tender and delicate- God's patience has come to an end. Bad times will come to them first, God gave them status in the world and took it back based on their reaction to Him. He may have removed it anyway, and not as a result of their actions- God talks about restoring Israel from exile many times in the Bible. Of course the Babylonians having realized that may have chosen to free them.

Israel was given to Babylonia based on Israel's disobedience. God is about punishment and mercy, Babylon took the road of pride, and showed no mercy. satan has pride so Babylon followed its god.

Verse 8 example of pride - said "I am" - thats how God identifies Himself, the future was stated - personal plans were made without consulting God - this isn't a good idea, we should consult Him in all things. Who is in control, Who kept an overwhelming army out of Jerusalem? We can sometimes expect that we are, and act as though we are in control but we are NOT.

Wisdom and knowledge have deluded. If it happened in Babylon is it happening today as the rate of discovery is at an all time high.

Disaster comes that has no answer- economic crisis - unlike any other, different from depression, the recession of the late 70s. Sudden destruction - remember these people aren't trying to be obedient to God, they are not seeking Him. He said earlier in His word that we can know what is going to happen.

Babylon stood fast on their spells, their answers to these sudden crises. That they have learned from youth. Look to those that prophesy based on the stars (Incas or Aztecs) where are they? The heavens declare, but without God - wrong conclusions can be arrived at.

Many counselors are wearisome - maybe they are all saying different things. Contrast with Proverbs 11:14 abundance of counselors assure victory. Again I think a difference in the type of counselors ( those that seek God, and those who rely on their learning and experience). Man's answers futile once God decides to act -we must be in tune with Him.

Ch 48 Fall of Babylon

Now the example of Israel a nation that swears by God but not in truth or righteousness. People do that - we all have sides we hide, we put on our best face. Not that we should tell all our secrets, but we should and can discuss them with God, He knows about them anyway. We claim we are Christians but there may be areas when we are decidedly not Christ like Yet He works with us and has the patience necessary.

God proclaimed- then suddenly it happened, He acted and it came to pass. He forewarned - by generations in some cases so we would know about it and not falsely give credit to an idol. He also does things we don't expect, so we can't say we knew. The unexpected I think explains some of the unpredictability in our lives. We have a reasonable expectation of what might happen tomorrow, but we don't know it for sure.

He refines us stubborn people through His patience, He allows affliction to test us, and to test our responses- do we run to Him or an idol? God restates His timelessness- being here first, and will be here last.

Now specifically about Cyrus (but not named?) Cyrus certainly overthrew the Babylonian empire, but in the last days isn't the word system compared to Babylon. He spoke this in public, not secret.

48:17 He leads us in the way we should go and teaches us. We miss out on what He has for us when we disobey ( not listen). Babylon is to be left with shouting, at the time Isaiah wrote this - The Babylonian empire was just on the rise. He redeemed Israel - let them fall and then got them back, He is taking care of them. The desert experience seemed impossible from our standards but God provided. Do we have the fear He can't take care of us if we become "sold out" for Him?

Finally "no peace for the wicked" - are you at peace? are you wicked?

The further I study the Bible the more I realize just how fallen the world is and just how gracious God is (thankfully).

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