Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Notes discussed 09211

Chapter 49 Servant of Jehovah

Previous chapters 40-48 a leading idea is that God true predictions of the future are clear evidence of His deity. Chapters 49-55 talk about His servant - sometimes it seems to be Christ, other times it seems to be Israel. God desires all nations come to Him - we tend to give up on people - we should praise Him He does not.

Listen to me from islands and peoples from afar (the ends of the earth). Description of Messiah - too small a thing to raise Israel- but will make a light to the world, salvation available to the ends of the earth. The earth -humanity would not embrace Him. Salvation is available for all and it is presented to all.

He rules (leads) through serving others- His example for us- how do we lead?

vs 8-13 The Lord is taking care of Christ, He will lead and take care of those the Lord has given Him. He comforts His people.

verse 14 - what about Israel - they feel forgotten, forsaken, but the Lord reassures. A mother will forget her child before the Lord will forget Israel - Israel inscribed on the palms (cross?). They are not forgotten, they will be protected - destroyers leave and will wear the jewels like a bride. Vivid imagery of His love. When we feel like He isn't there- He is. We will forget God before He forgets us.

Enemies far away, children that they were bereaved will speak- impossible in human temrms. God will do the impossible for them. Israel instead of being hated by the world will be esteemed, they will be protected- not plotted against to be destroyed. Wait upon the Lord and you will not be ashamed.

Again against seemingly impossible odds and conditions God will take care of Israel. Versus 24 and 25 are about standing for someone, often used, very comforting.

Chapter 50 Servant of Jehovah

God did not reject israel, they rejected Him. Verse 2 He went to them and found no one. He sought them out and yet they were not interested. They turned away, we turn away, in some things we don't feel we can trust Him. Boxes - life issues- faith - all areas should be surrendered but yet we hold on to them. When we do we act as though God is not able.

Verse 4 - I read this as an example ofthe indwelling of the Holy Spirit- Jesus within us- if we let Him. He can be our tongue- gives us the words to say, to sustain the weary. He is with us daily as we wake up- constantly, He opens our ears to hear His voice. Obedience to Him is mentioned here.

Jesus suffering- struck back, plucked beard, spit on- God was with Him

God helps us,and that is not a disgraceful thing- we often prize our self sufficiency.

I will not be ashamed- endured short term - looking at long term reward. Often we need to look beyond the present to God. A confidence in the workings of God, in knowing God- Elijah had it with the profits of Baal. Setting your jaw like flint is sheer determination. Going back to 49:24-25 and setting your determination like flint is what God wants. A total committment to Him and His way, and an ignoring of our senses and experiences.

wearing out will be referred to several times- Compared to God, all our issues are trivial. Fear or respect the Lord, listen to Jesus, walk in a dark world by His light.

Now man lighting his fire, and walking in his own light- ends in torment.

Chapter 51

verse 1 - if we pursue righteousness and seek God we can hear Him. In Isaiah's day he spoke through Isaiah, but He will make it clear for us.

Abraham was one person when God promised him descendants as many as the stars in the sky.

The waste places of Zion will become lush- mentioned before - mentioned again - mentioned often so we can get it.

Verse 4 the given Law is light- it illuminates our true condition. Verse 6 earth wearing out - its not timeless either, only God is. Seems to point to tribulation.

Verse 7 the law written on the hearts of those who know righteousness- we don't need to fear man. Who will wear out. God for all generations, salvation for all people, for all generations.

verse 9 a little history lesson (Rahab is Egypt) - cut up - judgement. Dried up the sea, to let the ransomed out. Ransomed return from heaven in similar fashion, gladness and joy chases away sorrow and sighing.

God is in control, and yet we focus on men- that are like grass. We see the immediate threat, we have fear- we don't rely on God. In this example the oppression in Babylon is the fear, going hungry, BUT GOD said it would not happen. He puts His words in our mouths and covers us with His shadow.

Now the city of Jerusalem - drinking the cup of God's anger, it became deserted and destroyed. Verse 21 and on Hear from the Lord He has taken the cup of anger and Jerusalem will never see it again. Spoken, and yet our fearfullness abounds- we don't generally consider Jerusalem a safe place, and in the last days it will be surrounded by enemies- But God. The Romans destroyed the temple after Jesus death and resurrection, but the city was still populated or occupied.

The tormentors get the cup of God's anger. Those who want to walk over His chosen - interesting the image is of those lying on their stomach - prostrate before their enemies- then Chapter 52.

Chapter 52

Prostrate Zion- prostrate before enemies, God says awake, those enemies won't come in (glorified- New Jerusalem -post millenial reign). Shake yourself from the dust (the other dust) and rise up no longer a captive - captive to what? fears? oppression by men? enslaved to sin?

The Lord is our redeemer, oppressed by Assyrians without cause. Note here - the Assyrian threat was more in Isaiah's day, Babylon came later. Very subtley we have had scripture talk about leaving Babylon- joyous- its all out in the future. God sees injustices of one man to another - others to the nation of Israel. Those that blaspheme Him. Yet His people know His name and He will call out- again we don't have to find Him - He searches us out, He warns us, He will establish peace. He reigns.

verse 8 the watchmen- those looking for God will see Him acting, or about to act. Restoring- carrying out His plan.

Verse 10 All the ends of the earth will see the salvation of God. Matthew 28:18- church is sent out to tell, this scripture, the world sees Him - nice closure I think.

Verse 12 the Lord goes before us- preparing the way, leading us, and He is also our rear guard. We are completely protected

Verse 13 - Jesus marred but will prosper

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