Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Notes discussed 09218

Chapter 53 Jesus the suffering servant

Back up to 52:13- suffering of Jesus. Written 700 years before the cross, but in past tense, like it happened, sure that since God said it - it would happen. Most of us can't say with certainty what will happen tomorrow- much less 700 years in the future.

Who has believed? That is what it is all about believing and then confessing.
To whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed (Jesus right Hand of God) once we believe we can see Him.

No stately form - God looks on the heart not as we men do, yet Jesus was obedient.

He was despised. He wasn't eloquent or political (pleasing to listen to). Politicians practice being congenial and can say things that aren't true in such a way people hang on every word (smoothest liars we ever heard). Jesus spoke truth- they knew it was truth, and His message so scared them that they first denied it was truth and then sought to run from it (hide their faces). They killed Him to avoid hearing it. He was not esteemed probably called a trouble-maker.

Yet He was obedient and loved us, bearing OUR griefs and sorrows, He was pierced for OUR transgressions, crushed for OUR iniquity, He died that we might live. The Lord put our iniquity on His son.

The God was pleased to send His son for us, His son was pleased to to be obedient- for us. He interceded on our behalf. His taking the punishment for us allows us to have fellowship with God. It was an ACT of His love for us.

All of us (everyone) needs to acknowledge Jesus sacrifice, and accept that He took our punishment, because He loved us- He loves everyone. Part of going astray is deciding to do things our way, and yet the Lord through His love made the provision for us to come back to Him.

He was oppressed and afflicted by some of the people He was sent to take the punishment for. The screaming and spitting and striking that He endured are what we deserve. And like those who deserve punishment and accept what they feel they deserve - He was quiet. Knowing of our guilt and gladly accepting our punishment. He gave His life for us.

Again written 700 years before it happened.

Death was victory, He was rich, He gained, He was obedient, we often consider death loss.

The Lord was pleased that He was our guilt offering. Jesus had no offspring, but yet we are told He'll see His offspring. God has wonderful things in store for those who are obedient. Prosperity. Jesus justified many. He poured Himself out in death- it was His choice out of His love for us.

Chapter 54 Expansion of Zion

Earlier it mentioned Israel as bereaved of children Isaiah 49:20 now it starts out as a barren Israel. A couple that has lost a child, or can't have children face the same feelings- bereavement and barreness are good descriptions. In this context it has meant that Israel has done their own thing. They were to be a people of God and yet they rejected His leadings. So they were not the examples and the witness they could have been- barren, and bereaved. Yet through Jesus a revival would break forth and the Jews would gain many allies. The last chapter mentioned Jesus seeing His offspring after His death. God has great things in store for those who are obedient.

Growing and resettling abandoned cities, spreading out, possessing nations. When they become focused on God their maker and husband. Forgetting their past, and focusing on His future. Humiliation and disgrace will not happen.

The Lord will again take them up as His people. He will not be angry with them - He forgets. He is Holy and demands holiness and yet he forgives and forgets (one of the attributes of Love). We are far from Holy and yet we often find it difficult to forget- we need to work on our love. He turned away in a moment of anger and yet will have compassion on His people.

The days of Noah and the promise not to flood the earth again, He has sworn not to be angry or rebuke. A Husband swearing not to be angry with His bride, nor rebuke her, but always showing lovingkindness and compassion.

Oh afflicted one- He will comfort them- He will comfort the afflicted. The storm tossed - He is bigger than any storm. Those that can't find comfort elsewhere - some exhaust all possibilities. This is talking about israel as a nation, but is it? Israel seldom hears comforting words.

He will comfort the afflicted and storm tossed and those that can't find comfort. He will protect them, He will teach their sons. The well being of sons will be great.

Oppression and terror will be far away as He protects. Any assailing will fail- because the Lord isn't going to allow it. Vs 17 No weapon will prosper. Every accusing tongue will be condemned. This is our heritage.

Ch 55 Expansion of Zion -an invitation to ALL to enter His kingdom and share His blessings

Wonderful chapter and I think a glimpse of the Millenial reign.

Everyone who thirsts come to the waters- Jesus is living water- anyone who wants salvation- it is available. Why would you not?

No money- come buy and eat - in the millenial reign people will care for each other rather than their own selfish interests. Hunger will be no more. Without cost the needs will be met for food and drink - Glory to God

Very different from today where life seems to be a contest of getting "things" or "toys". We struggle, and some take advantage of others to get things. If we all truly take care of each other - won't we have a delightful abundance? God also teaches us deep things- solid food that Paul talks about later, listening to Jesus is getting fed- His word is bread we know not of (Samaritan woman). He will covenant with us because of His mercy, and he will take care of us. Nations will run to glorified Israel- glorified by God actively leading them.

Seek Him while He may be found- If you seek Him you can find Him. Call upon Him- He longs to answer.

Vs 7 let the evil forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts. Almost like actions are sin making us wicked, and thoughts not in line with God's make us unrighteous. We need to seek His heart and mind so our thoughts and actions align with Him. The Lord abundantly pardons our shortcomings if we keep returning to Him.

His thoughts are not our thoughts- we must pray and ask Him how to bring ours into submission. Our ways our not His ways- what we do without His guidance is not what He desires (ch 56). Our actions must be brought into submission as well. His ways and thoughts are higher than ours- we tend toward our own selfish desires, He sees the big picture.

Imagery of rain and snow and growing- His word, His desire does not return to Him empty. It may take time while we tend to be too now focused. What He desires is accomplished, His word succeeds where it is sent as well. Does this mean as we take in His word we will be conformed to Him- absolutely.

Doing that will fill us with joy, and we will be led in peace. Nature will applaud, instead of thorns a cyprus will come up. Gen 3;18 the fall -thorns and thistles will come up because of Adam's disobedience, In right relationship with God, that will have ended.

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