Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Notes discussed 09225

Ch 56 Sins of Isaiah's day (56-59)

God's desires- preserve Justice and do righteousness. Both thought and action. His salvation is on the way, His righteousness will be revealed (will we know His thought?). How blessed we will be to understand His thoughts.

Don't profane the Sabbath, and keep from doing evil (actions).

The salvation is for all -available to all - not only Israel but all. In addition to race differences, but also those who cannot have children (eunuchs). The message translation applies this to all with defects of any kind. What a wonderful promise - as individuals - who keep the sabbath, and CHOOSE what pleases Him, and hold fast to His covenant. They will be given a name that will not be cut off, one better than sons and daughters, and the name will be everlasting.

Same with the non-jew, those that are the Lord's servants. He will bring them to His Holy mountain, and make them joyful in His house of prayer. A house of prayer for all people- available to all people. Both the jew and non-jew

Beasts of the field come, the watchmen are blind- this Is talking about Israel, they won't initially see the Lord coming back. The people watching will be blind, they will have no understanding because they have all turned to their own way. You have to be looking for the Lord to see Him coming. It will take them by surprise, it will take many by surprise- those worried about what they want.

Ch 57

The righteous man perishes. Righteous has Godly thoughts (55:7 unrighteous is to forsake their thoughts)- no one takes this to heart. Devout men are taken away and no one understands. Righteous men (having Godly thoughts - are taken away from evil. They enter peace, and rest in their beds each one who walked (action) in a Godly way. Put together- to perish is to be taken away from evil.

Verse three -lots of talk about second generation, "sons" "offspring" "children"- children not taught, have no respect for God or His gift of life - slaughter children in ravines. Ravines and clefts and crags implies a hiding nature. Even not taught we have the sense of the sins we commit and we try to conceal them - God sees all - how utterly foolish to try.

We sacrifice to our idols, idol worship is sacrifice but not to God. Again a reference to hiding- secret sin- unconfessed, what grabs us, or what we can't seem to let go of. Far from God trying to hide committing adultery- idol worship is putting something before God or in God's rightful place. Adultery is putting someone else in your spouse' place so the comparison is clear. Adultery is cheating on God. Wide bed- much room for others, looked on manhood or nakedness- which is prohibited within families, and also a part of lust. Journeyed to the king with oil (journies usually involve sacrifice -even today), perfume to please king- prince of this world. Doing this instead of serving God.

Envoys- sent others- shared our gossip and disobedience. Tired by the length of our road, but won't admit it. We often our exhausted or "busy" when others ask us to do something, but if its something we want to do- we don't go to bed. Our strength for our desires abounds.

Fearful but not of God, we often don't respect Him because he doesn't act or say anything in response to our sin. So we foolishly lose our fear and respect. God will declare our righteousness and deeds- unrighteous thoughts and deeds are not profitable. When we cry out about our righteousness God will tell us to let our idols deliver us- which they cannot. Interesting that we cry out to God even though we often don't respect Him as we should- its a sign that we acknowledge the existence of God, even when we are not submitted to Him.

Look what happens to those that take refuge in Him - they inherit the land and will posess the mountain. To take refuge we have to give up on our ways and accept His humbly.

God will take up His people Israel- He will remove obstacles from them. He dwells on High but also with the lowly and repentant (contrite). He will not be angry forever or His creation would grow faint- God wants to forgive us. Israel rejected God - turned away from Him, but God, intends to heal Israel and has stated it- what God says happens.

The wicked (v20) are like the tossing sea and cannot be quiet (quiet before God is a sign we have submitted to Him and are listening to Him). The wicked toss up refuse and mud, and have no rest.

Ch 58 These chapters show the true condition of men

Speak out boldly - declaring the transgressions of My people (God's people) - looks like a clear command. Sin is actions, to point out sins is to tell them the ways they don't follow God. Tell this to a people who delight to know His ways, and seek Him daily. We recognize Him, we want Him around, and we follow Him, want Him to be near.

v3- Questions for God- why doesn't He see our fasts, and our humbleness. If we have that question, are we being humble? Do we try and manipulate God to do what we want, expecting Him to honor our fasts and humbleness.

This chapter checks our motives before God. Our motives are usually personal gain, we fast to create contention and strife, to and to hurt people by making ourselves out to be more than we are. The fast is not about drawing close to God but making a statement before men. Fasting should bring about humbleness and a submitted spirit before God.

v6 things to fast for - God's desires- loosen bonds of wickedness -promote His kingdom, seek the freedom of others from bondage, to let the oppressed go free. The point is it isn't for our gain, it is for other's gain we should fast - which is Gain for Him - glory to God.

Do we fast to end hunger?

Do we fast to end homelessness, and provide necessities for those in need?

Hide from our own flesh- turn our backs on needs.

Think about it, meditate on it, pray about it. Search your motives in all things. Seek God's motives, His heart, His desire and then act accordingly.

This nation is in economic crisis- ask yourself- are people worried about their fellow man, or themselves? Do they focus on their loss or what they can do to help. People are more worried about money than they are other people- unemployment becomes a number and not a face.

We need to search motives (personal and corporate). In God's kingdom the motives will be right- catch a vision of a world where people take care of each other. There is fellowship with God, it is not about us, but its about others- in a nutshell.

Check your motives, get them in line with God's then read Isaiah 58:8. Righteousness before us the Lord protecting us from behind. We will call on Him and He will answer- again with right motives. "here I am" - maybe it is an audible response, if our motives our right we may see Him (He is coming again after all).

Remove the yoke- our bondage, our struggle with self. Jesus bought our freedom, don't reject it. It is available now for everyone.

Once the yoke is off - don't point fingers- who is to blame for all the "problems" we see? To a greater extent than we want to acknowledge it is us, and pointing fingers at others doesn't solve problems. They are solved by seeking after God's will then acting accordingly doing our part to do His will.

Speaking wickedness? Its easier than performing an act that helps others (giving ourselves to the hungry), or satisfying the desire of afflicted.

Do this and watch what happens to depression - light will rise in the darkness, and "your" gloom will become like midday. We will be continually guided by Him. To beguided we must be following, to follow we must be looking at, to look at we must seek. In serving others through submission to God- our desires will get satisfied, we'll rebuild ancient ruins - is this talking about cities, or the fall of man- restoring what God originally established, and we lost by wanting our way first. Repairer of the breach.

Sabbath- His pleasure on the sabbath- not yours. focus on His plan and not yours, His wants and not yours, seek His pleasures and not your own. Speak His words and not yours. Then we will take delight in the Lord- have that fellowship we all want with Him. Just because we don't seek our pleasure does not mean we have to be miserable, and there is a temptation there. In doing the Lord's pleasure we will find the joy we seek, the rest we desire.

Finally it is the mouth of the Lord that speaks, if you go all the way back to verse 1 it says cry out. So its not man's message, it is God's.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Notes discussed 09218

Chapter 53 Jesus the suffering servant

Back up to 52:13- suffering of Jesus. Written 700 years before the cross, but in past tense, like it happened, sure that since God said it - it would happen. Most of us can't say with certainty what will happen tomorrow- much less 700 years in the future.

Who has believed? That is what it is all about believing and then confessing.
To whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed (Jesus right Hand of God) once we believe we can see Him.

No stately form - God looks on the heart not as we men do, yet Jesus was obedient.

He was despised. He wasn't eloquent or political (pleasing to listen to). Politicians practice being congenial and can say things that aren't true in such a way people hang on every word (smoothest liars we ever heard). Jesus spoke truth- they knew it was truth, and His message so scared them that they first denied it was truth and then sought to run from it (hide their faces). They killed Him to avoid hearing it. He was not esteemed probably called a trouble-maker.

Yet He was obedient and loved us, bearing OUR griefs and sorrows, He was pierced for OUR transgressions, crushed for OUR iniquity, He died that we might live. The Lord put our iniquity on His son.

The God was pleased to send His son for us, His son was pleased to to be obedient- for us. He interceded on our behalf. His taking the punishment for us allows us to have fellowship with God. It was an ACT of His love for us.

All of us (everyone) needs to acknowledge Jesus sacrifice, and accept that He took our punishment, because He loved us- He loves everyone. Part of going astray is deciding to do things our way, and yet the Lord through His love made the provision for us to come back to Him.

He was oppressed and afflicted by some of the people He was sent to take the punishment for. The screaming and spitting and striking that He endured are what we deserve. And like those who deserve punishment and accept what they feel they deserve - He was quiet. Knowing of our guilt and gladly accepting our punishment. He gave His life for us.

Again written 700 years before it happened.

Death was victory, He was rich, He gained, He was obedient, we often consider death loss.

The Lord was pleased that He was our guilt offering. Jesus had no offspring, but yet we are told He'll see His offspring. God has wonderful things in store for those who are obedient. Prosperity. Jesus justified many. He poured Himself out in death- it was His choice out of His love for us.

Chapter 54 Expansion of Zion

Earlier it mentioned Israel as bereaved of children Isaiah 49:20 now it starts out as a barren Israel. A couple that has lost a child, or can't have children face the same feelings- bereavement and barreness are good descriptions. In this context it has meant that Israel has done their own thing. They were to be a people of God and yet they rejected His leadings. So they were not the examples and the witness they could have been- barren, and bereaved. Yet through Jesus a revival would break forth and the Jews would gain many allies. The last chapter mentioned Jesus seeing His offspring after His death. God has great things in store for those who are obedient.

Growing and resettling abandoned cities, spreading out, possessing nations. When they become focused on God their maker and husband. Forgetting their past, and focusing on His future. Humiliation and disgrace will not happen.

The Lord will again take them up as His people. He will not be angry with them - He forgets. He is Holy and demands holiness and yet he forgives and forgets (one of the attributes of Love). We are far from Holy and yet we often find it difficult to forget- we need to work on our love. He turned away in a moment of anger and yet will have compassion on His people.

The days of Noah and the promise not to flood the earth again, He has sworn not to be angry or rebuke. A Husband swearing not to be angry with His bride, nor rebuke her, but always showing lovingkindness and compassion.

Oh afflicted one- He will comfort them- He will comfort the afflicted. The storm tossed - He is bigger than any storm. Those that can't find comfort elsewhere - some exhaust all possibilities. This is talking about israel as a nation, but is it? Israel seldom hears comforting words.

He will comfort the afflicted and storm tossed and those that can't find comfort. He will protect them, He will teach their sons. The well being of sons will be great.

Oppression and terror will be far away as He protects. Any assailing will fail- because the Lord isn't going to allow it. Vs 17 No weapon will prosper. Every accusing tongue will be condemned. This is our heritage.

Ch 55 Expansion of Zion -an invitation to ALL to enter His kingdom and share His blessings

Wonderful chapter and I think a glimpse of the Millenial reign.

Everyone who thirsts come to the waters- Jesus is living water- anyone who wants salvation- it is available. Why would you not?

No money- come buy and eat - in the millenial reign people will care for each other rather than their own selfish interests. Hunger will be no more. Without cost the needs will be met for food and drink - Glory to God

Very different from today where life seems to be a contest of getting "things" or "toys". We struggle, and some take advantage of others to get things. If we all truly take care of each other - won't we have a delightful abundance? God also teaches us deep things- solid food that Paul talks about later, listening to Jesus is getting fed- His word is bread we know not of (Samaritan woman). He will covenant with us because of His mercy, and he will take care of us. Nations will run to glorified Israel- glorified by God actively leading them.

Seek Him while He may be found- If you seek Him you can find Him. Call upon Him- He longs to answer.

Vs 7 let the evil forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts. Almost like actions are sin making us wicked, and thoughts not in line with God's make us unrighteous. We need to seek His heart and mind so our thoughts and actions align with Him. The Lord abundantly pardons our shortcomings if we keep returning to Him.

His thoughts are not our thoughts- we must pray and ask Him how to bring ours into submission. Our ways our not His ways- what we do without His guidance is not what He desires (ch 56). Our actions must be brought into submission as well. His ways and thoughts are higher than ours- we tend toward our own selfish desires, He sees the big picture.

Imagery of rain and snow and growing- His word, His desire does not return to Him empty. It may take time while we tend to be too now focused. What He desires is accomplished, His word succeeds where it is sent as well. Does this mean as we take in His word we will be conformed to Him- absolutely.

Doing that will fill us with joy, and we will be led in peace. Nature will applaud, instead of thorns a cyprus will come up. Gen 3;18 the fall -thorns and thistles will come up because of Adam's disobedience, In right relationship with God, that will have ended.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Notes discussed 09211

Chapter 49 Servant of Jehovah

Previous chapters 40-48 a leading idea is that God true predictions of the future are clear evidence of His deity. Chapters 49-55 talk about His servant - sometimes it seems to be Christ, other times it seems to be Israel. God desires all nations come to Him - we tend to give up on people - we should praise Him He does not.

Listen to me from islands and peoples from afar (the ends of the earth). Description of Messiah - too small a thing to raise Israel- but will make a light to the world, salvation available to the ends of the earth. The earth -humanity would not embrace Him. Salvation is available for all and it is presented to all.

He rules (leads) through serving others- His example for us- how do we lead?

vs 8-13 The Lord is taking care of Christ, He will lead and take care of those the Lord has given Him. He comforts His people.

verse 14 - what about Israel - they feel forgotten, forsaken, but the Lord reassures. A mother will forget her child before the Lord will forget Israel - Israel inscribed on the palms (cross?). They are not forgotten, they will be protected - destroyers leave and will wear the jewels like a bride. Vivid imagery of His love. When we feel like He isn't there- He is. We will forget God before He forgets us.

Enemies far away, children that they were bereaved will speak- impossible in human temrms. God will do the impossible for them. Israel instead of being hated by the world will be esteemed, they will be protected- not plotted against to be destroyed. Wait upon the Lord and you will not be ashamed.

Again against seemingly impossible odds and conditions God will take care of Israel. Versus 24 and 25 are about standing for someone, often used, very comforting.

Chapter 50 Servant of Jehovah

God did not reject israel, they rejected Him. Verse 2 He went to them and found no one. He sought them out and yet they were not interested. They turned away, we turn away, in some things we don't feel we can trust Him. Boxes - life issues- faith - all areas should be surrendered but yet we hold on to them. When we do we act as though God is not able.

Verse 4 - I read this as an example ofthe indwelling of the Holy Spirit- Jesus within us- if we let Him. He can be our tongue- gives us the words to say, to sustain the weary. He is with us daily as we wake up- constantly, He opens our ears to hear His voice. Obedience to Him is mentioned here.

Jesus suffering- struck back, plucked beard, spit on- God was with Him

God helps us,and that is not a disgraceful thing- we often prize our self sufficiency.

I will not be ashamed- endured short term - looking at long term reward. Often we need to look beyond the present to God. A confidence in the workings of God, in knowing God- Elijah had it with the profits of Baal. Setting your jaw like flint is sheer determination. Going back to 49:24-25 and setting your determination like flint is what God wants. A total committment to Him and His way, and an ignoring of our senses and experiences.

wearing out will be referred to several times- Compared to God, all our issues are trivial. Fear or respect the Lord, listen to Jesus, walk in a dark world by His light.

Now man lighting his fire, and walking in his own light- ends in torment.

Chapter 51

verse 1 - if we pursue righteousness and seek God we can hear Him. In Isaiah's day he spoke through Isaiah, but He will make it clear for us.

Abraham was one person when God promised him descendants as many as the stars in the sky.

The waste places of Zion will become lush- mentioned before - mentioned again - mentioned often so we can get it.

Verse 4 the given Law is light- it illuminates our true condition. Verse 6 earth wearing out - its not timeless either, only God is. Seems to point to tribulation.

Verse 7 the law written on the hearts of those who know righteousness- we don't need to fear man. Who will wear out. God for all generations, salvation for all people, for all generations.

verse 9 a little history lesson (Rahab is Egypt) - cut up - judgement. Dried up the sea, to let the ransomed out. Ransomed return from heaven in similar fashion, gladness and joy chases away sorrow and sighing.

God is in control, and yet we focus on men- that are like grass. We see the immediate threat, we have fear- we don't rely on God. In this example the oppression in Babylon is the fear, going hungry, BUT GOD said it would not happen. He puts His words in our mouths and covers us with His shadow.

Now the city of Jerusalem - drinking the cup of God's anger, it became deserted and destroyed. Verse 21 and on Hear from the Lord He has taken the cup of anger and Jerusalem will never see it again. Spoken, and yet our fearfullness abounds- we don't generally consider Jerusalem a safe place, and in the last days it will be surrounded by enemies- But God. The Romans destroyed the temple after Jesus death and resurrection, but the city was still populated or occupied.

The tormentors get the cup of God's anger. Those who want to walk over His chosen - interesting the image is of those lying on their stomach - prostrate before their enemies- then Chapter 52.

Chapter 52

Prostrate Zion- prostrate before enemies, God says awake, those enemies won't come in (glorified- New Jerusalem -post millenial reign). Shake yourself from the dust (the other dust) and rise up no longer a captive - captive to what? fears? oppression by men? enslaved to sin?

The Lord is our redeemer, oppressed by Assyrians without cause. Note here - the Assyrian threat was more in Isaiah's day, Babylon came later. Very subtley we have had scripture talk about leaving Babylon- joyous- its all out in the future. God sees injustices of one man to another - others to the nation of Israel. Those that blaspheme Him. Yet His people know His name and He will call out- again we don't have to find Him - He searches us out, He warns us, He will establish peace. He reigns.

verse 8 the watchmen- those looking for God will see Him acting, or about to act. Restoring- carrying out His plan.

Verse 10 All the ends of the earth will see the salvation of God. Matthew 28:18- church is sent out to tell, this scripture, the world sees Him - nice closure I think.

Verse 12 the Lord goes before us- preparing the way, leading us, and He is also our rear guard. We are completely protected

Verse 13 - Jesus marred but will prosper
Notes discussed 0924 We had excellent discussion- thanks be to God.

Ch 46 Fall of Babylon

Bel and Nebo- the gods of Babylon have bowed to the God of heaven. It continues what happened way back in Ch 13 and 14. This nation's idols could not rescue, and were actually a burden, a load for a weary beast. God's plan happened, what He foretold is truth. Bel and Nebo the idols were carried off as spoil.

He hasn't changed since He predicted it, He never changes, even if its generations for us humans. He has no equal, there is no fair comparison of God to ???? anything or anyone. Doing so in any way would not be a fair representation of Him- I think this explains the first three commandments (Deut 5:7-9). There is no comparison and yet we realize (most of us) the intelligent design and planning of our fragile world. So we will tend to have gods, and He wants to make it clear that we cannot fully understand His magnificence.

Our idols can't be compared to Him, nor can they deliver- only He can. He has been in control in the past and controls both the present and future- accomplishing what He has said He would. Doing His pleasure.

If He spoke it, it will come to pass - a sure thing.

He loves us too and is patient with our stubbornness. The theme of Psalm 39 is an appeal for God's mercy because life is so brief. We are but a breath, and yet he is patient- teaching us- our entire lifetime of growing in Him. Our life on earth seems long to us, but is only a moment for Him.

Ch 47 Fall of Babylon

Babylon is to be reduced to dust - aren't we buckets of dust?

Grind with a millstone, no longer called tender and delicate- God's patience has come to an end. Bad times will come to them first, God gave them status in the world and took it back based on their reaction to Him. He may have removed it anyway, and not as a result of their actions- God talks about restoring Israel from exile many times in the Bible. Of course the Babylonians having realized that may have chosen to free them.

Israel was given to Babylonia based on Israel's disobedience. God is about punishment and mercy, Babylon took the road of pride, and showed no mercy. satan has pride so Babylon followed its god.

Verse 8 example of pride - said "I am" - thats how God identifies Himself, the future was stated - personal plans were made without consulting God - this isn't a good idea, we should consult Him in all things. Who is in control, Who kept an overwhelming army out of Jerusalem? We can sometimes expect that we are, and act as though we are in control but we are NOT.

Wisdom and knowledge have deluded. If it happened in Babylon is it happening today as the rate of discovery is at an all time high.

Disaster comes that has no answer- economic crisis - unlike any other, different from depression, the recession of the late 70s. Sudden destruction - remember these people aren't trying to be obedient to God, they are not seeking Him. He said earlier in His word that we can know what is going to happen.

Babylon stood fast on their spells, their answers to these sudden crises. That they have learned from youth. Look to those that prophesy based on the stars (Incas or Aztecs) where are they? The heavens declare, but without God - wrong conclusions can be arrived at.

Many counselors are wearisome - maybe they are all saying different things. Contrast with Proverbs 11:14 abundance of counselors assure victory. Again I think a difference in the type of counselors ( those that seek God, and those who rely on their learning and experience). Man's answers futile once God decides to act -we must be in tune with Him.

Ch 48 Fall of Babylon

Now the example of Israel a nation that swears by God but not in truth or righteousness. People do that - we all have sides we hide, we put on our best face. Not that we should tell all our secrets, but we should and can discuss them with God, He knows about them anyway. We claim we are Christians but there may be areas when we are decidedly not Christ like Yet He works with us and has the patience necessary.

God proclaimed- then suddenly it happened, He acted and it came to pass. He forewarned - by generations in some cases so we would know about it and not falsely give credit to an idol. He also does things we don't expect, so we can't say we knew. The unexpected I think explains some of the unpredictability in our lives. We have a reasonable expectation of what might happen tomorrow, but we don't know it for sure.

He refines us stubborn people through His patience, He allows affliction to test us, and to test our responses- do we run to Him or an idol? God restates His timelessness- being here first, and will be here last.

Now specifically about Cyrus (but not named?) Cyrus certainly overthrew the Babylonian empire, but in the last days isn't the word system compared to Babylon. He spoke this in public, not secret.

48:17 He leads us in the way we should go and teaches us. We miss out on what He has for us when we disobey ( not listen). Babylon is to be left with shouting, at the time Isaiah wrote this - The Babylonian empire was just on the rise. He redeemed Israel - let them fall and then got them back, He is taking care of them. The desert experience seemed impossible from our standards but God provided. Do we have the fear He can't take care of us if we become "sold out" for Him?

Finally "no peace for the wicked" - are you at peace? are you wicked?

The further I study the Bible the more I realize just how fallen the world is and just how gracious God is (thankfully).

Monday, February 2, 2009

The services on Feb 1 struck me with something I want to share. Most notably the eating of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Yes it was disobedient, but beyond that we (humans) had knowledge of good and evil. How many times have we "judged " or "decided " someones goodness or evil based on an action or activity a person is involved in? We can't know their heart, we can only get some indication a few signs. God knew this would be a major issue for us thus He warned. Not out of meanness but love. I believe only in Christ can we break this nature, and it will be something to be vigilant about.

Oh well my notes discussed Wednesday 09128

Isaiah 43:14

His way is the way it will be, and it isn't open for discussion. Babylon will be destroyed. Who makes a path through the sea - Red sea, a path through mighty waters- Jordan. The army extinguished- the Assyrian army surrounding Jerusalem. Extinguished- he took the breath He gave them back.

God is not a God of past accomplishments- look forward also. Will we be aware of His plans? - I think we can be, we need to ask Him. We can know His plans, and not be caught off guard.

Pray for God's will, pray he shows you the way you should go. It may be day by day, and that is OK. Ask for His vision and His sight for your day and the situations you will face. Valleys- we will have them, either as individuals or groups- we can count on it. Is it a growth opportunity? - He is interested in maturing us. Is it a faith opportunity? - He does want us to develop our faith. Is it to show His sovereignty? - that He is with us and bigger than any problem- He is. We need not fear, we are His creation, He did not make us to "sell" but rather to enjoy. He desires fellowship with us. We should seek that fellowship, because in that fellowship we will know what He is doing and thus NOT be caught off guard. "Do not Fear" is in the Bible 365 times, one for each day of the year.

Israel is undeserving, they don't call on Him, they got tired of Him, they robbed offerings from Him, they did not sacrifice for Him. His desires however are not burdensome, His desire is selflessness. We however our selfish, and our selfishness is sin and a burden. We have the wrong mindsets. God wipes away sin for His sake, and He doesn't remember.

We argue with God (also in Job 38 and 39). We don't have His viewpoint, and yet we want our way so bad that we foolishly try to justify ourselves. Consider this- We try and use our knowledge of good and evil (which our ancestors got by dis-obeying God) to bend God to act in ways we think are fair. Do we try to bend for fairness or our wants? Yet God knows hearts, He has set the standards and acts accordingly. He is also looking out for our best interests (not our wants). Is it fair for children to suffer? Is it fair for anyone to suffer? Bad people? God is looking at the heart, He wants nobody to suffer, and they won't in Him.

Ch 44 Cyrus

God created Israel (Jeshurun- poetic name for Israel His chosen) and promises to help them. It says He will pour out water on the thirsty - have to get thirsty first. He promises blessings on future generations. He will also help us His other chosen. He works to bring the disobedient to Him for His glory. He ALONE can accurately recount the past and predict the future- spoken again yet with a little twist. We humans tend to have revisionist history- ever heard anyone say the holocaust didn't happen, or that the US civil war was about slavery? Time allows us humans to spin things eventually changing the whys, or misrepresenting them. The war losers seldom get to express their opinion or perspective.

The folly of idolatry- our idols are not worth the value we think. An idol is something that we make to enjoy or to get money- which is another idol. It is something we also put above people and God. We make things and assign a price to them- how many people give away their workmanship. Idols are things of man- like God created us, so we create things. In creating these things we feel more secure and more godlike, and less dependent on God. They seemingly save us or we give them that power- but its really false. Making idols makes us weary, or getting idols (the pursuit of things) makes us weary. Ever seen someone killing themselves in pursuit of things?

Foolish- these idols made of raw material some of which become treasured, other parts end up in the trash heap. Carvings- some treasured, others used for fire. Can you think of any examples? We also idolize things that aren't special.

God created us and unlike our idols ( that we make) He redeemed us- or bought us, or purchased us back from our captivity. Being redeemed is being in a fallen state but having restitution paid. Our Creator did this for us His creation, and yet our idols we tend to give up on if there is an additional cost involved. They also can't save us. We can also reach a point it appears that we don't realize the effect an idol has on us. Being self reliant versus being God reliant puts our gods ahead of God. We can get so caught up - blinded by our actions.

I worked with a guy that really liked this chapter - out of one piece of wood came something treasured - maybe more important than another person or God, and also from the same material it was burned to bake bread to eat. Part readily destroyed part cherished.

The Lord redeemed Israel and shows His glory through them. God created- stretching out the heavens by Himself. He shows the wise they are foolish, and He confirms the word He gives His servants- those that faithfully recorded it for us.

Jerusalem a city that will be rebuilt after exile (God said it). Verse 28 Cyrus named 150 years before he was born. What will your children be named 3-5 generations from now? The temple foundation will be laid.

Historians say when Cyrus read the scripture about himself and was so moved he became determined to carry it out. If that is true- was a footnote- then we need to talk (speak) about future in the way God would have us - it clearly can affect it.

Ch 45 Cyrus

Specific scripture about Cyrus. What does God say for all of us that He did not name specifically in scripture. Just like Cyrus are His promises inspiring us and why not? He will gird Cyrus though he has not known Him, can the same be said about us? We are witnesses for Him, He will be known by our actions, and He is preparing the way.

The Lord created righteousness, as it pours down and goes into the earth salvation bears fruit and righteousness spring up with it.

Questioning God is ridiculous. Yet we wonder and we do question Him - one area that come to mind is "fairness". From the Message- would a sperm say to a father - who gave you permission to use me to make a baby? Or a fetus to a mother - why have you cooped me up in this belly? We, the creation questioning the creator?

Verse 11 He wants us to ask about the things to come from a committed to Him state. We the work of His hands. Its not about what we want or what we think should happen but He will tell us if we are committed to Him and He knows it. He knows our hearts.

Cyrus will free the Israelis and rebuild Jerusalem. Freedom is huge, but paying to help them rebuild their city would seem quite impossible. God is the God of the impossible. He will accomplish His purpose- even if we seem to think it impossible.

vs 18 God created the earth to be inhabited. Our life is fragile and God has protected it- His creation. He has no hidden agendas, but rather speaks righteousness and uprightness. His plans are available and can be known. They are hidden for us, but not from us. He wants us to turn to Him and away from self. From that decision He speaks plainly. Everyone will one day, but those that remain angry at Him will be put to shame.

People who don't know, or won't acknowledge His plans have made a choice. Maybe they don't know? Maybe they are mad - because they haven't got their way somewhere? We should pray and witness.