Saturday, February 23, 2008

I hope to update the blog once a week with two goals: first is to review what has spoken to me in the Bible, second is to outline what I'm planning to read.

So what spoke to me? Prov 18:1 He who separates himself seeks his own desires. He quarrels against all sound wisdom. A couple things came to mind, the first is that being alone can be negative. It might mean the person is hiding something- now be assured you cannot hide anything from God. After thinking about it, the proverb might have a good connotation. Being alone might mean you desire different surroundings - for instance not watching too much TV, or wanting to be alone with God.

Prov 18:20 From the fruit of man's mouth his stomach will be satisfied. Another of many reminders in the Bible that our words mean more than we can think. The saying "sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me" is just plain wrong. Speak what you want to happen, not what you think will happen or fear will happen and watch God work.

Another Proverb 19:11 Its to a man's glory to overlook a transgression. How hard is that? Overlooking transgressions is something we have to definitely work at, it takes practice, and God's help definitely. Another one says keep away from strife, it is an honor for a man. I'm trying to read the chapter in proverbs that corresponds to the day's date.

I'm also reading in Isaiah and Genesis (about to be Job). In Isaiah we are encouraged to cease doing evil, cease means stop, a definite change or alteration in our normal activity. Right after that it admonishes us to learn to do good. Learning is a process, and journey, and it is something that isn't necessarily instant. After reading Revelation to end last year Isa 2:1-5 is a millennium reference. In Isa 5 it says that "My people go into exile for lack of knowledge" as a child of God we are God's people, and for a lack of knowledge we become separated (or exiled) from God. Ignorance is easy, and so is getting angry at God when things don't go the way we plan or want. Getting into the Bible and putting God in a significant place in our lives is work. It takes perseverance and committment. There is also a Proverb that says we should apply our mind to knowledge of God. Furthermore God will teach us everyday so we will trust Him. Learning something new everyday is scripture (Prov 22:19)

Out of my Genesis reading I read about Cain and Abel. Cain brought an offering from his fruit of the ground. Abel brought firstlings of his flock. Are we like Cain, we give God what's left or what is easy, or are we like Abel and put God first. Are we like Cain and is our countenance low because God isn't pleased with our leftovers, or our we mad because we feel we have to give something to God and we feel cheated. Thinking on those things and thinking things like that will lead us into sin.

Noah was in the ark seven days at the direction of God before the rain started. The Lord also closed the door to the ark after all the people and animals he had chosen that responded to His call were there. Noah stayed on the ark until God told him the earth was prepared for him.

The intent of man's heart is evil from youth, therefore we must seek God's heart. What we want is evil in some way. Everything we want is evil in some way, only that which aligns with God's heart is good (only God is good).

Next week I will continue the proverbs, Isaiah 10 on and Job 1 on. The first paragraph of Job is a wonderful challenge. Job was blameless, upright, fearing God, and turning away from evil. Oh that we could all be that.

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