Monday, January 28, 2008

Well I didn't get this posted yesterday. I took a rest, and I had some other things going on. Today is good I hope everyone will be blessed.

Matthew 16 Why does Jesus say "an evil an adulterous generation seeks after a sign"? I have on many occasions asked God for a sign, some evidence as proof when doubt comes. In addition I've promised things for that sign. Whether we see God act or not we have to have faith that He is and we have to act on that faith. In my life I've seen miracles, I've felt God's guidance, His direction in my life. Still I ask for Him to do something from time to time, I want to test Him like Gideon.
Later in the chapter Jesus tells Peter he is the rock on which He will build His Church. Jesus knows that Peter will deny Him after this but He is looking past that to what Peter is. Jesus knew Peter as that rock, when we get to heaven we'll be known as we're known. How does God see us individually. That is something we should reflect on from time to time. Are we prone to something that is not Godly. Right after Jesus tells Peter who He is, He tells them He must be given over to wicked men. Peter starts to rebuke the Lord, and the Lord says "get behind Me, satan!" This rock on which He will build His Church is influenced by satan, or as the Lord says Peter was setting his sights on man's interest and not the Lord's.
Jesus reiterates that following Him means sacrifice. Denial of self, then He asks a question. What good is it for man to gain the whole world if he loses his soul? Our trials and problems in this world, the sacrifices we make (working long hours) who are we doing that for? Ourselves for this world is probably the most accurate answer in most cases. My point is that most people sacrifice time, resources, something of value to them (or potential value) in order to get something they want. When we should be sacrificing and denying ourselves for Jesus, we wind up sacrificing and denying ourselves for the world (or things in the world). His question illustrates the potential of man and the reality that people are willing to sacrifice to a great extent for what they think is gain.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Wow what a pleasure to read the below again, and how true. May God bless you the reader.

Mark 7 Things that proceed from a man that defile him, these things represent the true condition of a heart not committed or completely committed to Jesus. These things we will battle our entire lives, but as we learn to walk with God and listen to His voice, His personality and actions start coming out of us, and continue to build. Each of these things should be considered regularly and slowly because there are different degrees of falling into them, and it may represent an area in life you need to earnestly pray about. For instance there is stealing as in robbing a bank, and stealing as in keeping an employer's property as your own. They are both stealing and its something we need to be aware of and confess to God and repent from.
Evil thoughts- wishing others harm or misfortune
murders (anger is equated to murder)
adulteries (lustful thoughts is enough to be guilty)
coveting (jobs, cars, houses, etc)
deceit (not quite telling the entire truth or telling someone something in a way that may mislead them, this one I'm afraid is quite common in the corporate world.
slander (saying negative things about people)
and finally foolishness.
I don't think there is anyone of us who can say they have no troubles in any of these areas. They are probably deceiving themselves. As Jesus comes into our lives and we let Him live through us these normally defiling actions are replaced by the fruit of the spirit (Gal 5:22)
love (1 Cor 13 the entire chapter)
joy (not necessarily happiness but more of a general contentment)
peace (doesn't mean avoiding confrontation, but rather anger that is often associated with it)
patience (Job, but an even greater patience is Jesus Himself, He continually gives us chances)
self control
I live with a whining dog. As I walk with God I'm struck as to how his relationship with me is a lot like mine with God. We keep him in a pen to keep him from getting hit by a car, poisoned, shot, because when he gets out he doesn't respond to commands. Sometimes God knows its best for us to be kept penned up. The dog whines wanting attention, wanting out, but his needs are met- he has water, food and a warm place to sleep. Is God meeting your needs? just maybe not in the way you think He should? Do you whine to Him? Are there things He knows that you don't? Is thinking we are capable of more than God has given us pride? The dogs whining bothers me because I know whats best for him and I get tired of hearing it, do we do that to God? I've also thought what behavior could the dog practice that would make me want to give him more attention. Obeying my commands is the biggest one, and sometimes we go on long walks in the woods and he has gotten some better when I've given him some freedom. I have to get him back on a leash when we get to the car, and that has gotten easier. One negative is that when he is free he likes to wallow in anything that smells bad, it makes me not want to take him walking and causes me to plan carefully when I do let him off. If God gave us the kind of freedom we want would we get into something that He disdains? Aren't we glad that we can whine to God and yet He continues to love us and forgive us, now that is patient.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Wow - two posts in two days....

I am working diligently at finishing the new testament, I had the thought last night to start over in NASB for this year and just blog my raw comments. When I get to the NT I may review my notes, as I read it, as I blog my raw thoughts over the coming months. I look forward to what the Lord will show me each time I read it, and so far its been different. I hope you will be blessed by God.

Matthew 15 Some Pharisees went to Jesus, not He did not go to them but rather they went to Him and asked Him why His disciples break traditions. He responded by asking them why they transgress commandments. Through years of misinterpretation they had developed traditions that they felt followed God's will but in fact some of these traditions came about by their attempt to circumvent God's commands. He gave an example of the loophole they developed to justify taking money for parental support and making it part of their gifts to God.
He then says that out of the mouth comes the things of the heart. The way we truly feel will manifest itself into our words, and it may not be cursing and foul language. It may be a lack of joy or a bad attitude, or cynicism, or quick retorts that open a window onto the condition of our heart.
I also find it interesting that He warns people about following men, the blind guide example. At some point everyone needs to develop their own personal relationship with God to the point where they do not depend on others solely for guidance, but rather a reinforcement of what God has already told them.
The Canaanite women He did not speak to, but held true to His mission and the direction of God. In speaking with her though He did grant her request once she acknowledged who He was. Later the Bible records that He had compassion on the jews as the sick, and possessed were brought to Him he healed them.
Then He fed the 4000, again more leftovers were taken up than they started with.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I heard some good wisdom today about the truth of abortion. I was blessed by my son, and what I was able to accomplish. We've been splitting wood, and the hardest is now finished. Another potential blessing could be about to happen as well- someone is interested in me part time and the pay is excellent. We'll see if it works out. My reading and updating is going well also, I hope to put the entire file somewhere with a link to it here for everyone. Not that people are reading but, I feel very led to finish.

I've started writing things other than "thanks" and "sincerely" in signing emails. I often will just put a positive thought like - "Your day will go well" or similar in the hopes that days will be brightened. I also have been praising God when I hear good news. I know He is blessing. May everyone that reads this be blessed in such a way that there is no mistake but that it came from God.

John 6 This chapter gives John's account of feeding 5000. In this account they also took up more leftovers than they started with. Verse 37-40 are of interest I used to work with someone who believes in predestination as opposed to freewill. God has to call you for you to come to a knowledge of Jesus and He doesn't call everyone is basically their belief. In reading verse 37 it can actually be broken into two parts those that God has called - like Mary and Joseph, Paul and other Bible figures that God used throughout History to carry out His will. There is an "and" there also about that Jesus will not cast out those who come to Him. This verse can be read and interpreted two ways. In other parts of the Bible it states that those who seek God will find Him. God allows everyone to come to Him, and some people He puts a specific calling on their life to accomplish His will. Not that He needs a certain specific person, but rather that is what he desires.
Later Jesus talks about eating His flesh and drinking His blood, and as a result(verse 66) many withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore. Was it that they were never truly called, maybe participating in a fad? Or did they seek Jesus and decide the cost of following Him was too great?
He does mention that He chose His 12 disciples but that one is a devil (v70). Did God choose Judas and then predestine him to turn from following the Lord, or was Judas truly called and then decided on his own to turn away? That can be argued either way with Biblical support, but its pointless to argue. No side is going to win, because that would mean they have "figured" God out. Put Him in a box so to speak. Arguments are a distraction to doing kingdom work, we each will come to believe what we do about God based on the amount and depth of our own personal study. God is faithful He will show each of us what He wants us to see in His word. A different person reading the new testament as I have will probably record different things as God shows that person something else out of His word. That is a wonderful thing, depending on what you are going through God can use His word to educate and give you direction. You don't have to look up specific sections based on others experiences but rather you should just read it and let God speak to you through it. Just find a quiet place , still your mind from the cares of the world and read. God will not fail to show you something EVERY time.

Monday, January 21, 2008

I haven't written in the blog lately. I usually start reading th Bible in January, and here it 1/21 and I haven't completed my reading from last year. I have been commenting on each and every chapter in each and every book of the new testament. So my log is fairly long. I then review part of the log and post it, judging from comments or the lack thereof nobody is reading it anyway. Work started back as well after the Christmas holiday, and during the Christmas holiday I took some time off. Its amazing what you miss, and that then compounds the feeling that I'm really lazy. God however has used it, making circumstances and my reading coincide (even my late reading). A lot of people when they want a word from God then open the Bible, and not being knowledgeable as to where to look for guidance they usually just open it randomly and start reading. I certainly am a believer in regularly and methodically reading/studying the Bible. its a way to hide His word in our hearts. I also in commenting the new testament have seen similar themes repeated over and over. The perspective is slightly changed maybe but the wisdom is there. I believe God speaks to those people who randomly read through His word.

The passage today (Luke 9) is a perfect example. Read this chapter and Phillipians and watch the perfectly meshed message.

This is Luke's account of Him sending out 12 disciples and hearing their experiences upon return. The feeding of the 5000 is also mentioned.
The verses that struck me are 23-25. It seems to get "things" in this life you must give up on spiritual activities- devotion, prayer, reading, etc. Whereas to be spiritual your opportunities for advancement at work and income possibilities become somewhat limited. So it becomes a choice. A daily choice.
Jesus is asked to cast out a demon causing convulsions, because His disciples could not (He had earlier given them authority), but they could not. You can get worn down, and start expecting a more worldly outcome as opposed to a Heavenly one is that what happened here?
The discussion as to the greatest in the Kingdom comes up, the answer is the servant. We as humans so crave the spotlight and honors, but we should not.
Interestingly verse 50 says whoever is not against you is for you. Earlier Jesus made it clear that not doing anything to promote the Kingdom of God was working against it. It seems to me these two passages complement in such a way that no fence as it were exists. Your actively working for the Kingdom, or your actively working against it. Every activity -which is it?
The verses from 58-62 (the end) have always interested me. In 58 Jesus states He has nowhere to lay His head. He was fully focused on our interests eternally and not His in this world.He is fully Kingdom focused and did not and consequently has not any property like land and houses, etc. He was fully focused on our interests eternally and not His in this world. To follow Him that is the goal. A person said he would follow but needed to bury his father. A funeral is a worldly concern, and probably the one that takes precedence over any other worldly pursuit. A loved one dies and work is usually understanding and placed on hold, vacations change, in short a family death becomes the focal point for our lives for a couple of days. Another said he would follow but needed to say goodbye to family. The other primary influence in our lives is our families. They are the reason we have most of our other worldly pursuits. Our families will also see the least amount of change in a changed life . Jesus wants us to consider our priorities, following Him means putting Him first in all things.
Having Christ come into your heart is a wonderful thing, and following Him is a life of joy. It is also a life of sacrifice and conflict, and that should be realized. There is no other way to go, but the focus of living needs to be consistently and always on Him. Letting other worldly distractions interfere with following Him is like looking backwards while plowing. I guess its like driving while looking in the rear view mirror. We must stay focused on Him (the one who is our head or ahead).

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Today was youth Sunday in church. They ran the service, and one of them preached. A high school student, her message was right on target. She talked about forming new habits and how it takes about twelve days. This is something people do in January, but she also talked about getting out of positive habits. That only takes about 12 days as well. For me the activities of life, and the goal to finish my new testament review have just taken away my resolve, and I haven't been Bible reading like I should.

On a positive note I feel God has reminded me that His time frame is what matters, and not mine. I have also been spending time in the gorge marveling at the Master's handiwork. My previous posts on love and now this reminder of how those closest to us appear to us, and us to them is another little message from God.

It is so important to regularly be in God's word, additionally it is important to stay there.

Mark 6 This chapter is a different take on things I have previously wrote about. The story is repeated about how Jesus although well received in His hometown, the people became skeptical that it was God. A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown, among his relatives , and in his own household. Those closest to us cannot see the change God has made in our lives, not just from a prophet standpoint but just in our Christian walk. For instance the close family members that I knew before they walked with God, the change in their lives isn't as pronounced as those acquaintances I know less well who walk with God. I'm sure those that knew me before I walked with God also don't see as big an impact on my life as I feel. They may be skeptical of my progress. Jesus wondered at the unbelief of His town, relatives and household, its no wonder that we wonder about those closest to us and they wonder about us.
Mark 6 He summoned the 12 (includes Judas) and sent them out in pairs. They were supposed to cast out demons heal the sick and preach repentance. If Judas had been ineffective in this mission would one of the gospels have recorded that somewhere? It further records that they reported back to Jesus ALL they had done, again another opportunity for potentially documenting a problem with Judas. "Any kingdom divided among itself will fall".
The healing of the sick, the feeding of 5000, and the going to His disciples at night are all recorded in this chapter as well, and I already commented on them. It is interesting to note that in the feeding of the 5000 more was collected after the meal than they had before the meal.