Wednesday, December 5, 2007

This picture was from trail work. Imagine this view with no sound, that is how it was Saturday, no wind rustled leaves, no birds, no hum of any kind.

I've taken a break from Bible reading lately and was feeling some self condemnation over it. The something marvelous happened when I started back that I really can't explain.

First the men's group at my church is seeking direction, and members. So that has been a issue of prayer lately. In my own personal reading I often looked for the clear role of fathers (or men). In reading 1 Thess 2:11 there was a glimpse "a father deals with his own children encouraging comforting and urging his kids on to Godly lives. In my reading I stopped just befor 1 Cor 14. In that chapter Paul is writing about the importance of prophesying. In 1 Cor 14:3 "everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their, encouragement, and comfort", this passage is almost a perfect fit. Then I thought of the families I know and the father figure. The words the dad speaks affect the family for generations, if he has a poor outlook about his children they will perform poorly, if he has a positive outlook then they will flourish. Those men who by their actions aren't involved with their families are sending a signal as well. it isn't very positive either. So then I wondered what I had said or spoke about my family versus what I want for them. God wants only good things for us, and when bad things happen its definitely a result of a problem with men and not God. He is easy to be angry with, but its futile.

Now everyone thinks I'm sexist. Well before God there are neither male nor female (Gal 3:28). Often times our pride pokes fun at the characteristics and opinions of the opposite sex, but God made woman for man and man is born of woman. Clearly we need each other, on a very deep level. We need that point of view that the other sex has, we are missing it (if we are honest enough to admit it). What do groups of only women talk about? What about groups of only men? is it edifying, uplifting, something your are not afraid to share? With you spouse, kids or mother and father? I think in mixed groups the topics tend to be a little more uplifting, wholesome, or some other positive adjective, as they should be.

We create tomorrow by the decisions we make today, just like our today was created by decisions made previously. So take the advice you always hear, if you can't say anything good keep your mouth shut. It is so important, and not for today but literally poorly chosen words can affect your grandkids.

At the end of 1 Cor it talks about seed dying to create the next crop, this chapter has a reminder of the parable of the sower. Again another God tied happening. We also talked about the difficulty of keeping faith tonight at church. We would much rather worry and fret, it is important to acknowledge God and how He works in our lives. Like the women healed of hemorrhage. I'm sure there are no coincidences, and no not everything always goes the way I want.

Luke 8 This chapter repeats many of the stories I have covered from other gospels. the parable of the sower for example, and the casting out of legion. In reading this the first thing I notice is that the women He healed now follow Him and support His ministry. They are grateful, and in following Him they have publicly acknowledged Him as their Healer, and have dealt with the fear that seems to come with miracles.
For instance He casts out legion into the swine and they run down the hill into the water and are drowned. This miracle was witnessed and relayed to people who came to verify it. They saw a man that had been clearly demon possessed sitting clothed and in his right mind. Instead of being grateful they became fearful and acting on their fear they ask Jesus to leave, so He does. He does leave the healed man as a witness to the town though, and the healed man proclaimed what Jesus had done for Him.
Once back across the sea a synagogue official came to Jesus on behalf of His daughter. He recognized what Jesus could do although I have to wonder if he came in an official nature or probably just as a desperate dad. Jesus started on His way and eventually raised the official's daughter from death. The inquiry was public, and acknowledgment of God's power and authority.
A strange thing happens on the way, a woman suffering for 12 years knows in her mind that Jesus power could heal her. She didn't have friends helping her so she may not have told anyone, but had the faith within herself to believe. She works her way through the crowd and receives her healing. Jesus then stops and asks "who touched Me" and eventually the woman confesses before Jesus and the crowd. Is there a miracle recorded in the Bible that affected just one person and that nobody else knew about? I can't think of one and this miracle is no different. Jesus wanted the woman to publicly acknowledge her healing, He sent the man possessed by legion back to those who knew him before his healing. We should acknowledge what God has done for us. The big miracles and the small ones for God does not reserve the knowledge of miracles to just those people affected by them. We want miracles but don't want to share them, we may feel we are opening ourselves up for scorn. It also limits the glory God gets for His actions.

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