Sunday, December 9, 2007

I loved reviewing this, it is so true, and it ties into reading second Corinthians. I attended the church Christmas program tonight, watching all the young people singing. It also had a puppet show and some readings. May God bless all the children, and all people everywhere. Some of the kids yawned, some frowned at times, some smiled and bounced. They have such hope, that sometimes we adults lose, and they blessed me greatly.

Mark 4 Mark 4 covers some of the stories that I've already commented on from other parts of other Gospels. However there are some things to add, perspectives gained from reading the Mark version. The parable of the sower is repeated. I think it is interesting that the farmer sowing seeds sows them everywhere. Usually farmers as we know them are very careful about waste and sow only in the areas where the crops have the best chance to grow. In this parable the seed (or Word of God) is sown everywhere, and It should be.
The cares of the world are appropriately called "thorns". They certainly seem to stick to us and distract us from the focus we're supposed to have in this life. Pulling thorns is also something I hesitate to do - I'm talking about weeding a garden. The non-thorned weeds are easy to pull, but the thorny ones are often thought about very carefully.
There is another reference to "measures" in this chapter. Take care what we listen to. By your measure it will be measured to you. This is I think the third reference I've found to make us reflect on how we measure things, because God will use our measures to bless us.
Another story is that the sowed seeds grow on their own. Going back to the parable of the sower, if we sow the seeds (everywhere) God will grow them.
And that is followed by the parable of the mustard seed. A little bitty seed (or God's Word sown) can become significant, and dwarf the other plants or concerns. This connotes to me that we don't have to beat others over the head with the Gospel, but we do need to sow a small seed (everywhere). Then we can watch God work in growing that seed and praise Him.

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