Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The picture is from my trail. We are all on a journey of sorts, and the path isn't always paved or smooth, but there is a path. Its neat to reflect back on the path we have come down, and maybe get a vision of what is ahead.

Oh Lord Your insights lately have been wonderful. It was good to re-read this and I actually realized something I had wanted to know had been answered completely- sharing. I added the part below about opening up to others is a step of faith- that is my next prayer. I am happy plastic, the lyrics fit me, my real struggles I am afraid to share. Afraid of human condemnation, rejection, not willing to take the step of faith Jesus requires for my healing- rather we should focus on what God wants. Imagine the dialogs if we were to focus on what God wanted. I'm trying to get there, but don't think I have the answers, or am perfect, far from it- I just hide things well.

I was also reminded of the struggle we face today as humans between our emotions and our logic. Most people are far more affected by emotions than they want to admit, and our emotions often lead us into illogical irrational behavior. Those feelings and emotions are there for us to enjoy and explore, but not let them dictate our lives. Its a balance we must strike, and one that we will learn more of as we live.

Mark 5 Mark 5 is another perspective on the man possessed by a mob or legion of demons. Mark tells us the possessed man was unable to to be bound (no one), and "no one" could subdue him. Now the demons instantly recognized Jesus and bowed before Him. He cast out the demons, they went into some pigs and the pigs went into water and drowned. The people of the town asked Jesus to leave, again they weren't too concerned that the man no one could bind or subdue had been healed, but rather seemed to worry about their lost income, or were possibly afraid. Jesus left based on their wishes but He left Himself a witness.
The woman with the medical condition is then told- she exhausted all her resources and had visited doctors exhausting human wisdom. She thinks (internally) that Jesus can heal her if she only touches His garment. This happens but Jesus makes her confess to the crowd that she was healed. I don't think God working in our lives is intended just for us but rather to share.
This is then questioned because as Jesus raises the synagogue official's daughter -He tells them to tell no one what happened.
The lady healed of the hemorrhage had a miracle performed on her, the man with the demons cast out had that happen to him. Jesus told the man to tell his community "what God has done for you". He made the lady confess the reason she touched Him publicly. He then tells those that witness a resurrection to "tell no one".
When we tell others what God has done in our lives our confidence is much stronger than telling others what we have seen in other's lives. Jesus seems to want us to share our personal experiences of His working in our lives. He works in your life everyday, can you see it? If you can't are you looking for it? I've been amazed by some of the unexpected little things that I see in my life. The thing I dreaded this morning -suddenly not happening. It can work the other way- the wonderful day you had planned turning into a trial. Its God working with us, growing us.
I also question the practice of confiding in others, and that has been my prayer of late. On the one hand confiding in others makes us accountable and in some ways allows us in our own strength to change habits. But people can't know our heart and as we fail or continue to fail in some things they may give up or question our commitment. If we on the other hand confide in God then He can work for not just a change in habits but true repentance or changing directions. But like the woman healed of hemorrhage we should give Him the glory for His work in our lives. If others don't know our struggles then will the victory He gives or deliverance - how do we share that? This is one reason I'm writing this- God is showing me things and teaching me at a level that I cannot keep up with in terms of giving Him praise. A song I recently heard was about keeping up an appearance of Godliness. The song said that the church is full of happy plastic people, hiding their true selves behind walls. Those lyrics are true from what I have observed, there are few serious issues or struggles by Christians that are openly known by others in the church. That knowledge comes out much like in the world- through whispers and gossip. Yet when we show our weaknesses to others then God will use that weakness and make us strong. Talk about taking a risk though, but instead of considering it a risk, maybe it is an exercise in faith. The problems people made public before Jesus He healed. ALL of them. Those problems of a person that others knew about and brought to Him He resolved. Its faith. Its also a fearful consideration.
Another issue is how do you share with people your pressing issues (if it involves others)? A real risk is encountered of doing or saying something that could be a detriment to another's walk. Additionally those involved may not want you to share with the people you think you should. Its a very involved and intricate question. Those who think it isn't an issue haven't considered it very deeply or have a prideful stance of thinking they can judge character well. Only GOD knows a man's heart. I would encourage people to stay self focused, there should be enough problems there to keep us in prayer and seeking Him for a while. Additionally I would be willing to suggest that as we address our personal problems, the ones we share with others will go away.

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