Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I have always liked this picture.

I realize I'm jumping around a bit, but what is below has really strongly been on my mind lately. I find myself saying things at work that I regret and do not promote the positive Godly values I believe in. Maybe God is letting me do it because I do seek the attention, or am self ambitious. Anyway its my prayer to somehow stop. If I could live by the Spirit always would I give God the credit, or somehow myself? He is showing His patience with me by allowing it? So I can grow?

Galatians 5 I should type the entire chapter, particularly verse 16 and following. ... So I say live by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. I find myself at times able and willing to live in the Spirit or by the Spirit. Then I'll walk along and come up upon a conversation, and someone will hit one of my emotional hot buttons and then I say things I should not. Furthermore I want to say these things. I also will say things that stir up trouble, and maybe act on the thoughts I have. Throw a fit of rage or anger, express my emotion. How do we express our strong emotions without falling into the sin trap?

We can easily identify the characteristics we do that we should not, and this chapter lists them. But we are emotional beings and how do we control them. As a man I'm supposed to be able to hide mine, and I do a very poor job of it especially at times. I get so frustrated with lack of progress on issues, double talk answers to questions, apathy, ignorance, that I create discord (one of the things listed in verse 20), I dissent. I realize my powerlessness in controlling it, and somehow I should let the Lord take it. Or nail it to the cross, but by what means do I make that connection?

If I can always walk by the Spirit I will always have the things of verse 23 and 24. Love, Joy, Peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. How do I always - short answer - keep my eyes on Jesus at all times. OK -how do I do that? Jesus shows perfect love by loving us even when we sometimes act like we don't love Him. We are going to realize an unimaginable joy in His presence one day, And in every example of the rest of it God has shown more patience and perserverance that we will ever have to.

Our sinful nature has passions and desires, and we should not be conceited, provoking, or envious of each other. Our passion should be focused into the work of God and not into the work of self or what we want. I still haven't answered the question- how do we keep our eyes on Him all the time, so that I can walk by the Spirit all the time? I think if we feel like we ever have that answer then we will get conceited which shows we haven't gotten there yet. Paul says work salvation out with fear and trembling (Philipians 2:12). I frankly am afraid of myself, and what I might do and later regret. I do respect God, maybe not enough, because I do the things I hate. That fear of Him should be a deterrent. I feel utterly helpless (and sometimes depressed) about living the way He calls us to, but it is my desire to do so because I see the necessity and the reasons behind it. It is only God that can do it, because we are powerless in our own strength.

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