Sunday, July 27, 2014

What does the Lord have for you?

The Lord calls us, He chooses us.  Our only choice is to respond to Him or try to run or hide from Him, both futile.  So what has He called you for?  Do you know? then ask.  It can be the start of that development of relationship to Him, hopefully the continuation of one.  Finding out His purpose for us as He guides and directs. 

The Lord is so comprehensive He doesn't have to get you to a certain point, He can start to show you and indeed wants to show you His purpose in creating you.  We only need to seek Him, open ourselves up to the possibility of relationship with Him, be of willing heart.  The Lord longs that none should perish but that all should come to fulfilment in Him.  He won't make us puppets though.

In every circumstance we are His, and also in the immediate present is the time to be in fellowship with Him - "pray without ceasing".  Discount no other soul, no circumstance in being His and letting Him show Himself through you.

There is no need to withhold our strength unless we are going to go our own way apart from Him.  Another futile potential act on our part.  He will impart His strength as He works through us, as we watch and let submitting to Our Maker.

Often we want to be on our time line, we have to be on His.  Things may seemingly not change but adhere to the Lord.  Accept what He shows you, don't try and lead in the speed of growth area either.  Learn to discern His voice, His direction, and obey.

Lose your purpose and agenda, embrace the one He made you for.  Follow His guidance, learn His ways until His ways are your ways walking as Elijah and Enoch did.  You may not understand His ways, deepen in understanding at those points, ask, look for His signs, His voice, not allowing your "sure" self to usurp His position.  He is timeless we are not, He knows the beginning to the end, He is the authority.

Focus on your relationship to Him, you don't have the knowledge of what others must go through in developing their relationships to Him.  Watch for pride, keep you focus proper. Yes pray for them showing your concern to the Lord, longing that He has His way with them as He is having it with you.

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