Tuesday, July 29, 2014

In 1 Tim 1:12 we are informed that we are given strength from the Lord.  Our primary life task is to know Him and out of that knowledge serve Him as He shows us what to do in all instances.

Our relationship to Him should be ever growing and we should realize through His given strength we won't be weak.  If we pause we are really saying to Him, He is inadequate.  We are putting our focus on our own self rather than Him, we are trying to be god in some area of our life, recognize it and give it back to Him.  "Can't" is really telling our Lord "Won't" or "no".  Other people will sometimes try and manipulate you on this point, make sure your instructions are from your Lord.  If He is your Lord obey.

Being faithful to Him is something He has given us the power to do, it doesn't involve our strength but rather only willingness.  It is His capability to re-make us in His image, and that image which is faithful to Him.  His life in us overcomes ours as we join our lives to His, The relationship grows but the victory of His life over ours happens the instant we submit to His ways in some area.

The Lord has redeemed the world, of that we can be perfectly certain regardless of what we see and hear in the natural.  As His, He reaches out to others sharing the message of redemption and His longing that they too will become His and realize His best for them.

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