Monday, April 28, 2014

How long oh Lord?

In Habakkuk 1:3 the prophet asks the Lord why he has to witness injustice.  To that can be added - oh Lord how long will you let people mock you and your ways.  The guidelines for life that you have given are trampled on evermore in the name of selfish desires.  The people don't realize their actions they have deceived themselves, and deny you oh Lord, it is so hard to endure, so sad that they trample on your ways and yet seek the fulfilment that only comes from knowing You and walking with You.

We Your people haven't spread your ways and shared Your Word as we should have.  We don't take the things like the life of others, or marriage relationships seriously.  We claim to be Yours and yet deny You with our actions.

Self focus is so prevalent that we forget your wisdom, we act to place ourselves ahead or above others and thus beyond any possible consequences, and yet we are not set apart other than in our twisted thoughts that cater to self.

Show us Your ways, they have never been so available and yet they have never been so rejected.

The heart of each of us is desperately wicked, only when we submit our hearts to You is their goodness.

How long oh Lord, How long?

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