Sunday, January 10, 2010

The new year

I used to read the Bible through every year, I've taken about the last two off.
I miss my friend Job- He is early- in the middle of Genesis- kinda a break.

With all the various things going on in my life particularly at work and church it is time to get back to the basics.  I heard a very appropriate quote the other day, "read God's word- not what others think about it".  I've had that same thought.

I didn't create this world, I kind of just became aware of it.  I think at that level we all have the same experience.  We also were at one time completely helpless.  I often think about things like that and then am comforted by the One who knows all generations.  In a way that is His witness to everyone, as much as we like to think it sometimes, we are not self sufficient.

Oh well there is reading to do.

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