Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bad TV and Halloween

The last couple of nights some of the TV programs became so bad I had to turn it off. Oh I love the days when we play the radio- set to the Christian station in Black Mountain (WMIT).

Ghost whisperer talking to dead people- clearly not a thing that God condones. The Bible gives an example of it happening, but it isn't condoned. To add to that we "learned" that when people die the good part and the bad part are "split up". How ludicrous, it sounds like and excuse to behave badly, and it was very disheartening to see that people watch this and seeds of bad thinking get planted.

On Law and Order we learned that is quite OK for the government to kill the really bad people, and be above the law.

I tried to watch a special on global warming, and they talked about how we're destroying the earth. In Jeremiah it says the earth groans at the sins of the people- our selfishness is consuming resources which may or may not be causing global warming. It is certainly making us slaves to our debtors. If we really had such a wonderful run of economic prosperity why are there huge slums and lots of poor? A slum in Africa was shown, along with sound bytes of George Bush calling us to return to space. Nobody is interested in feeding the poor (the 1/5 of the world that live on less than $1 per day), we're too self focused. Its also not good to point fingers of blame- claiming it is someone else's fault. Its a collective problem, and it points to the very principles Jesus taught, and are listed in the Bible.

The place I work did something for Halloween. They planned to give away candy to children. Some of the workers excelled at dressing up as witches, vampires, the grim reaper, etc. All the things that nightmares for small children are made of.

Come quickly Lord Jesus, teach in your gentle way, and open eyes, change hearts, draw people to Yourself. Selfishness and self-centeredness abound.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Romans 13 thoughts

I've ended for now my focused study for the most part. Not knowing where to read today I went back to my incomplete "New Testament Thoughts" and found the chapter I had left off at. It was Romans 13. Here are my thoughts.

Rom 13
Be subject to governments, they are appointed by God. At the very least they are allowed by Him. When I read this passage, I don't think of the government in the US although I see what I believe are dangerous trends. I think of the former government in Afghanistan (the Taliban) that are really terrorists. This scripture says an Afghan formerly needed to be subject to them. This does not say all governments obey God, but rather they have authority because He allows it. One day He will be the government, and we should all look toward that time. In the OT Ahab had a righteous subject who hid people in caves that Ahab was trying to kill (1 Kings 18). An example of doing what God asks of us in this passage even if the government doesn't recognize God.

Obadiah didn't resist authority but he rather did good. Jezebel was killing prophets of the Lord, but probably for whatever reason (maybe God inspired) did not ask Obadiah to help, or perform this. He followed a higher calling and hid them instead, and God protected him. In Romans 13 we are told that if we do good we will not have to fear authorities, and will in fact receive praise from them. Under oppressive regimes like the Taliban this seemingly is impossible. God however has a long history of protecting those that serve Him. Our doing good is a witness for Him, and He may use it to bring about change.

As a consequence of subjection we must pay taxes. Certainly in our time in the US our taxes go to support things that aren't of God, and this seemingly is about to get worse. Its not very efficient for instance to be opposed to abortion and then have the government come along and use tax money to provide abortion on demand- which seems to be where we are heading. However, not paying taxes is not an option. It makes us criminals, not witnesses for Christ. As witnesses for Christ maybe enough people will see the opposing sides and bring about change.

Being in subjection to the Government is a part of loving people. It is interesting that most people who don't recognize and follow the things of God seem to do so because the "rules" seem to be a list of "don'ts". If a person reflected as to God's reasons behind these prohibitions it doesn't take very long to see how what we think may be fun, in fact causes pain for others. If we love others do we cause them pain? We may hurt their pride, but our actions in fact protect and show love.

We are then admonished to love our neighbors. The Lord's return is closer than it was. In the message version there is a warning not to get so caught up in the things of the world that we forget God. I see people frenetically struggling and experiencing anxiety daily and yet without a God or Kingdom focus. We need to show the world God's love, it is the only thing that will bring about the true change that most of us desire. We need to take the focus off our personal wants and desires and place our desires along with those of God. Seeking instead what He wants.

Place God first always, personally do what He would want you to, and remember that being in subjection to the government that He has placed over you is a part of following Him. The inconsistencies you might see (that may be valid) are being pointed out by your enemy who is trying to drive a wedge between you and God. Between your pride and your enemy's prompting you may decide you know the best answer- better than God, and at that point you are following a lie.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October recent thoughts

Two things have been on my mind lately. One is that it has become important to me to try and compliment particularly women (if I do compliment them) on something other than looks. Its so apparent the time and energy that is spent by women trying to be beautiful, when the focus should be on their character. Prov 31:30. I usually don't compliment men on their looks, but rather what they know or can do. So in a way its a double standard anyway. The Lord hates double standards.

The other thing came up today, someone has stated that our failing education system is responsible for our economic woes. I tend to agree, and was in the middle of grading math tests. Students seem more and more to expect a passing grade for just coming to class. They try and get by with minimal effort on their part. According to the article this has translated into workers who can't think, can't continuously improve, etc. In other words it has translated into America losing its competitive edge.

The article further states that workers who do implement improvements, try new ways of doing things, and continue their education are generally kept. While workers who wait to be told what to do, and have their assignments given to them are the first ones laid off. Their job prospects will remain low if they wait for someone to offer them a job.

One unemployed person I know told me the other day he was offered a job for less money than he had previously been making. Since he sensed his "need" for more money, he turned the job down. Taking the job may have prevented his continuing his education, in which case I can see that situation both ways.

In seeing this attitude and knowing how we generally are as instructors I would say every possible effort is made to help students succeed, and it becomes frustrating when they don't take advantage. They want second and third chances, they don't believe they will fail until its too late, then they are quick to blame something other than their lack of effort.

Has "No child left behind" fueled this? Some of our greatest minds have experienced failure, and yet we don't allow our children the benefit of that teaching method. It is tragic for students to fail, and we should teach and help to the best of our abilities, but failure "chasing" them may help them run toward "success".

We can always blame our mistakes and failures on not having the wisdom of age, I certainly do. Now we have people who seemingly have never failed, or made a mistake. They have done what was "expected" and yet they are nearly as helpless as when they were born.

Public school funding is tied to the "success rate" of students. This puts the schools in the awkward position of trying to show the students are successful. Usually done through test scores which can easily be improved by teaching the "tests", rather than thinking skills. It becomes memorization. This test also gets emphasized to the point that students have quickly learned to "cut back" on their performance in the not so critical areas. This means both sides meet at the test, an all or nothing. "Competencies" - which I'm told are different from tests- not sure I believe it are the newest fad. When they are implemented, then passing the competencies used to determine the success of students will then become the focus of teaching. Something will come along after that...

The fix? Each individual teacher has present the material to the best of their ability (which means continuous improvement) and then to grade fairly. God is about us doing what we can to be fair on a case by case basis. No biases. This will probably mean good teachers with not so high success rates will probably lose their jobs for "poor performance"- I've seen it happen (more than once).

That pressure can be removed by not tying school funding to performance. It should be a matter of number of kids means so many dollars. No extras, no cutbacks based on performance. Fairness, justice, and people striving to continually improve what they do can fix it. Its God's way.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Just when you think you're getting it...

Its been an interesting weekend. I thought I was doing well with my relationship to God and then He showed me some things that make me feel so small, and that I have a ways to go.

I think I have caught His vision of how the world should be. The one where we help each other out, take care of our brothers first, and not worry about ourselves. Focus on lives that magnify Him and stress Him. In looking at that world as compared to where we are, its really very depressing. Its also frustrating, and should be a signal to drive us to our knees.

God made the world, and He makes new things (life) for us everyday. I was reminded this morning. So there is hope. I need to set aside a prayer closet- literally. I was trying to get away to the outdoors to pray, but it seldom works out. I'll think of trail conditions or some work problem and will not pray and focus like I should. I intend to make it more of a priority. The prayer book I mentioned in my last post makes a lot of good points.

Jesus went to a secluded place often, and He knew what the Father was doing. We're so quick to claim we're too busy for that kind of relationship, and yet most of feel at some level that there is something missing in our lives. Might I suggest God? Might I suggest He is awaiting you to truly put Him first and ask His guidance on your cares?