Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Another update

I feel led to. We have an intercessory prayer group at church, and we
meet on Tuesday night. After a discussion, and the naming of the sick
that were on our hearts to pray for, I was asked to pray. The words
came with difficulty. God can heal all those people, He wants to, but
often He doesn't - why?

Then in preparing my notes for Sunday night I opened to Jeremiah 19 -
eventually we get to the part where He is the potter and we are the
clay. We need to see things from His perspective and what He wants, and
not what we think should happen. He sees the eternal, we see now.

I had felt led to pray for Iran and its people. God has a presence
there, He does everywhere.

I had felt led to pray that He will make Jerusalem a light for the
world, and yet I did not.

So as I began to type my notes I thought I needed to type out my

Come soon Lord.

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