Sunday, May 11, 2008

Thoughts for the week ending May 11.

Wisdom calls to people as we are told in Proverbs 9:4
So does Folly in verse 16. People are called to, there is a definite choice people have to make. Follow the Lord's wisdom or folly. I've read proverbs multiple times, and this is the first time I noticed this. God is truly remarkable. We are constantly making choices, choices that have consequences that we are responsible for. What voice are we listening too?

Another marvelous thought came to me while I was mowing. I've been trying to get some blueberries started. With gas going out of sight price wise I thought it would be neat to grow some fruit, maybe some fruit trees. Well the ones I planted last year have died, and I got a new one and put it out this year. When I mowed the other day I noticed one of its branches had been broken off, about 6-8" long. The thought of the blueberry bushes I have seen in the gorge came to mind. The literally grow out of cracks in rocks, and are very healthy. So I thought of the fall of man, a punishment for not obeying God. Man would labor all the days of his life. Like those plants I realized that our labor will make us stronger, and draw us to God. So the punishment He assigned actually is something that draws us back to Him. Like any good parent that wants the best for their child, God is our parent and He wants the best for us, which may not and probably isn't an easy life. His punishment for our disobedience draws us closer to Him.

I was also tarried on trip back from the in-laws and heard some good preaching. It was about slothful Christians, those that aren't progressing. His final point was a question. Where do you want to go?

My answer to that question, I want to discern God's guidance daily, and obey. I'm currently reading in Exodus and He guided them daily by a cloud, and at night by fire, so we can become in tune to His desires and then its a question of obeying. Hopefully yes.

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