Saturday, May 17, 2008

My notes for the week, the things God has brought to my mind. I can see God working in my life, little things happened all week and it was a God thing.

like being worried about a student's grade and the same student showing up and agreeing with me that the grade I had decided on was fair.
like having peace about how other students faired in my classes.
like causing the computer network at home to blink, when I should have been getting off to go to bed anyway
like the wonderful calm and cheerfulness putting His share of some income in an envelope
like the wonderful insight into how to present material to a class I'm teaching -the timing has been perfect in the last two
like His wonderful leadings into my personal life, and some of the concerns I have been having
I feel He is leading me along the path that is best for me.

I went hiking this week, a short one mile trip, the best photos I took are posted at wunderground my handle is nchiker.

Hiking is a wonderful reflective time in the woods. Good prayer time, and relaxation away from the things of man.

Now from the Bible reading

Nebuchadnezzar is Called "My servant" in Jer 27:6

In Jer 34:2 Jerusalem is to be burned with fire

In Jer 38:3 Jerusalem will be given into his hand (Nebuchadnezzar's)

Yet later in the book of Jeremiah it clearly prophesies the destruction of Babylon

In Jer 51:11 Vengeance of the Lord for His temple

In Jer 51:24 repay Babylon for the evil done in Zion

In Jer 51:26 will be desolate forever.

How did someone who was God's servant for a country end up causing the destruction of that country? He seemingly carried out God's will, but my question is did he? God gave him success over Jerusalem and Israel and Judah that is clear. God later destroyed Babylon for it.

Did his God given success go to his head and become pride?
There is some evidence for that, God made Nebuchadnezzar lose his mind for a period of years over pride.
Eze 7:20 transformed the beauty of His (God's) ornaments into pride. Not about Babylon, but rather the Jewish people- just sounded to me like something that could commonly happen to anyone.

Could it be that they didn't do exactly what the Lord had said, maybe He didn't tell them specifically to destroy the temple. That may have been their practice, but not God's intention. They were maybe to just carry the Jews off to exile, and decided to destroy the city and His temple. God would have known they were going to.

On another note in Lam 2:14 prophets should expose iniquity, fearing men rather than God leads to the painting of false pictures and predictions. Ezekiel was told not to fear Israel but to speak the words given to him by God. So if we feel led to warn someone we should obey that leading.

Proverbs 18:13 a scripture I had read and looked for last month, but could not find. Make sure you understand before answering. I do this to people, and I am keenly aware of when it happens to me. Getting a short answer.

One last observation from Eze 8:16 people will be in God's temple, and yet face east toward the sun to pray. (Muslims) A muslim temple on the sight of God's temple. The alter is on the west end of the temple

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