Saturday, May 24, 2008

Exodus 32 - Story of the Gold calf

People want God or a god- they see it as security.
Moses was gone too long and so they felt alone and sought another.
People are gladly willing to support their god, bringing the treasure ultimately used to make the calf (cheerfully in fact).
People also want their god on their own terms, and often times aren't willing to wait on the real One.
These things lead to the creation of idols.

Those things are still true of us "obstinate people" today.

God said He was going to destroy them, I wonder if it was a test of Moses heart toward these people. Was He waiting on Moses to intercede for this people showing his commitment and love for them? Do we have a heart to intercede for rebellious people or do we give up too easily?
As part of Moses intecession he wanted to be blotted out if the Lord wouldn't forgive. Paul spoke a similar sentiment in the NT about how he would gladly go to hell that his brethren would come to know Christ.- need to find that scripture.

If we are obstinate, God won't be in our midst. Put off all our ornaments and bare ourselves before God and He will know what to do with us. EXO 33:5

EXO 33:13 Moses wanted God to show him His ways, Moses had a heart for the people and for God.

EXO 34 God is talking about the covenant he made with this people and He warns them - in general - be careful about making covenants that aren't God approved, our life should be what God wants it to be, and making covenants or promises that God didn't tell us to make can become become a snare in our midst and cause us to play the harlot. This happens when we don't put God first.

EXO 35 Skillful people should do the Lords work, their hearts will be moved to do so- volunteer. Lord will provide the skilled workers necessary. Lord provided workers and material for His tabernacle . EXO 36 the material provided for the material was more than enough. So if God wants it to happen He will provide the workers and the means (more than enough).

Now from my reading in EZE
Ch 13 - Prophesy against those that prophesy of their "own inspiration" . "Own inspiration" means own agenda, not God's. God will make clear what He wants us to know, and He doesn't have to use others. The Lord is against false prophets He will show people He is God. We must be careful not to dishearten the righteous, and not fail to encourage the wicked to turn from their ways. He will lead us in the right direction. The Lord spoke to Ezekiel in real time about the iniquity of the people. We should repent from idols - countries are idols. Do we idolize our country, it may be the best in our opinions but where in the hierarchy is it in relationship to God.

Then Ezekiel 16 which talks about the city of Jerusalem, but could it not be describing each and everyone of us.
Jerusalem was of poor birth- (our history isn't flattering) The Lord made it what it is.
God gives Jerusalem wealth (He gives us ours)
God gives Jerusalem food (He provides ours)
God gives Jerusalem goods (He gives us ours)
God gives Jerusalem children (He gives us ours)

Jerusalem didn't trust the Lord but rather what He had given it - do we get caught up in our things? rather than God?
Jerusalem forgot its past, its roots, have we forgotten ours?
Jerusalem made shrines for itself out of the things God gave it rather than honoring God. Do we feel secure because of God or because of the things He has given us.
Jerusalem focused on people, other countries, do we focus on God or people to determine our happiness? Jerusalem played the harlot with these countries putting them before God, Do we put people before God. These countries became bitter - Jerusalem sought Egypt to protect it from Babylon, and not God

Sodom is described as the sister of Jerusalem, it had the following characteristics : careless ease, abundant food, arrogant. (which led to rampant homosexuality). We in the US have had careless ease- we take too much for granted, we are the breadbasket of the world so we have food, and we are arrogant in that we use our military might.

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