Saturday, July 9, 2016

July 10th notes

Which of the things of God has caused us to turn away from Him? Jeremiah 2:5-9 God asks the question directly of us. When we think on the things of God we generally feel assured, comforted, so why then do we not meditate on them always (constantly doing His things)? Always in prayer?

Why do we acknowledge the goodness of God but yet don't follow His ways?

If the things of God are perfect, why don't we do them? Instead we do evil because we can (Jeremiah 3:5). We're wired for evil, we have a fallen nature that wants to be in control and not surrendered to God. Yet God surrounds us with the things of Him. We corrupt them- trying to have our way, and run our lives the way we want. In our imaginations we never see the possibility of anything but peace and goodness in our lives, its what we want, but its not actuality, evil happens. Jeremiah 23:17-18

We often put up a good front as followers of Christ everything is always "well", our secret things are well concealed from others. We don't share the struggles with the things we fail at. We fail at them because we try to do it in our own power and not His.

We are only what we are in the dark; all the rest is reputation. What God looks at is what we are in the dark—the imaginations of our minds; the thoughts of our heart; the habits of our bodies; these are the things that mark us in God's sight. OC

So where are you with God, when you're alone?

Lets look at marriage. God's plan - be fruitful and multiply, a life changing event that gives proper place to passions. Song of Solomon 8:4 As a result of those passions, multiplying happens, so both people entering a marriage should be ready for that possibility, and fully committed to each other. For her - willing to make the self sacrifice to be the mom of his children, for him willing to make the self sacrifice of being a father of her children. Indeed, marriage should be complete and unconditional surrender of each to the other. (1 Cor 7:4). In that context it is a life changing event, a leaving of one's family of childhood to cleave to another person creating a new family. Matthew 19:4-6

But as fallen people we have changed what God intended into ...

Think about the current politically correct definitions of marriage largely being forced onto us from those that think they are smarter than us. Or at the very least they have firmly rejected God in their own minds and have reasoned out in their imaginations what marriage should be, then used the authority we gave them to promote standards not of God. Definitely an opportunity for intercessory prayer.

Our relationship to God is like being married. We should completely surrender to Him. Be ready to be His bride, go where He takes us.

What often happens? We try and control God. Just like in a marriage where husbands and wives try to manipulate each other trying to control and impart their will, instead of submitting. We want to be married to God (want the benefits) yet we want other gods instead (our own selfish desires). We keep our own agendas, not fully surrendering to Him. We're willing to drink from a broken cistern versus a clear fountain. Jeremiah 2:13. Our actions shouting that ours ways are best, when with our lips we'll say His ways are best. He longs for us to become fully committed and surrendered to Him.

Instead of being selfless in marriage and putting our partner first we put self first. Yet selfish people who insist on their way are often the most miserable people you'll ever meet. Anything you do for the selfish is never good enough, they expect more, better, etc. Is God blessing you enough? Do you have to think about it?

Can a person in a marriage take advantage of the other? Yes, We'll gladly try to take advantage of God, but we fear giving up control to Him. The action of maintaining control drowns out our lip service of being committed.

May our actions show the desire of our hearts and our words be few, not really needed. Submit in your relationship to the Lord. Its the only one that matters, and will guide you into the other ones. Any and all your relationships can be helped, break the bad habits of years gone by, break out of the comfort zone. Don't let your pride stop you, from fixing the broken as you realize it.

Luke 13:6-9 non-fruit bearing fig tree one more chance. fertilized, watered, one more chance, the plant was given the best chance to grow. What would cause a fruit bearing plant not to produce fruit? Pruning and watering might make it healthy but maybe not fruit bearing. It may not be bearing fruit due to lack of sunshine, its needed for fruit bearing plants. It helps ripen the fruit.

The Lord has so many examples in our lives as to how to grow relationship to Him. Non- fruit bearing Christians- lack of Sonshine. They may appear to have full lives, but lack intentionality about following Christ, telling others what God has done for them in their life, letting Him be in all things. Just takes a small seed in a crack a thought of God and His ways to start someone toward the path of relationship.

Are we fully related to God, in all facets of our lives, submitting to Him? Are we focused on Him alone?

Mark 11:12-14 Fig tree cursed for not bearing fruit.

Let us pray. Lord we submit to you in all things and lead us to let the knowledge of your blessings to us overflow out of us as a witness of You to those around us. Keep our eyes steadfastly on You.

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