Thursday, July 28, 2016

16-7-31 notes

Ecclesiastes 7:1-7

We have to be open to the meaning conveyed by the speaker of words the author, the Author of life itself. Its far easier on our part to take his words and interpret them based on our beliefs rather than be obedient to listen particularly to God. We may quickly agree we may quickly dismiss based on our experiences our learning but we haven't enough of either to do this with our Father.

(v1)A good character is better than riches. Not a reputation, one can fool a lot of people and seemingly have a good reputation (see any politician) but their character is what they are when nobody is looking or around. Being around those of good character is comforting, the pressure is somehow reduced. They seem to have time for us. The character of Christ.

As to the day of death being better than birth, look at it from the point of a person with good character. Living the golden rule when so many will quickly take advantage of you will wear a person down. This will tire them greatly or drive them toward the only relationship that matters, probably some of both depending on mood and circumstance. While a newborn has their entire life before them and seeming great promises those dying have the even better promise of an eternity with the savior they served. Their faith tested through life and now the quiet confidence of knowing.

(v2) We all die unless the Lord returns. A slow death, ever weaker ever greater pain until we give up or the quick unexpected one. Both result in great sadness for those remaining. Worse than death, is the great wickedness and tragedy that happens in a society whose God is not the Lord. The exceeding greatness that can be accomplished in and through all of us by submitting to Him is countered by the evil and wickedness that happens at the hands of those who reject Him. Knowing there will be sadness and mourning makes the times of feasting celebration all the better. It is better to face the mourning times rather than try to avoid them. Even if we were all Christians there would still be sad times, because we're in a fallen world. It would be better, though, for society, than one that rejects the Lord.

Psalm 42:5,11 Sadness of countenance (v3) Its not our countenance we seek but His to be made in His image. He made us with incredible potential for evil and of good, and He has seen every evil act there ever was or will be and yet His countenance is one of hope and love toward us that we might choose Him as He calls to us. Once we adopt His countenance then He contributes to keeping it healthy in us. The consideration of the sadness tragedy and the possibility of worse gives us His proper countenance of hope. We can relate that to others knowing what is most important, and not living in our sorrows but rather that hope.

(v4-5) It is in sorrow that we seek the wisdom of life. When all is well we seemingly have no cares no wisdom required. When a friend or acquaintance is sorrowed we should reflect on the certain tragedy of this life, not offer deflecting advice, not belittling their struggle because there are certainly ones that are worse, but rather pointing them to the only One that can comfort, that can give them the wisdom they need at this moment when they are in a frame of mind to accept it.

(v6) Just as the house or mourning puts us in position to grow in relationship to our Lord, to see the tragedy in life but also the hope through our Lord. So we can develop a proper relationship to the Lord. We seek times of feasting and mirth, the good times and there are those who would reject the tragedy of life and attempt to spend all their time having a good time. This is vanity we must face life as it is.

(v7) Following Christ changes what? Do your former buddies think you mad? family? Following Christ means the unbelievers will see you as a fool. Yet where is your hope in this life, is their answer better or foolish. We must confess without Him we are nothing, we do that when we embrace the tragedy of life. He is the hope, He is the one we seek. Are we oppressed? do we care what others think? or have we reached the point yet that we're focused on Him? As we invite Him to remake us in His image, His gift will change us, it will destroy me my and I in favor of His ways, His countenance, and His character. Amen

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