Monday, August 11, 2014

What do you think about or do?

How does one get the mind of God to be what he thinks?  Diligence, study, repetition, immersion into the mind of the Lord.  It cannot be gleaned from another person, it must be taken directly from the Source of Life.  Hearing His Word should be our great desire.

Inevitably and often, things will come out of His Word that we feel we cannot do.  We in fact must because His Word says we must.  His ways aren't hard, the hardness comes from our unwillingness to do things His way, our stubborn stiff necked insistence on our own way. We elevate our reason above His, we make ourselves out to be something we aren't, we seek the comfort of others on our route down the wide path.

We justify our own stubbornness by looking at those we feel are following God even less than we are.  The Standard is to follow the Lord in all things, not just be ahead of the crowd.  There is always growth in Him.

Anything of the Lord that we dismiss as too hard, or convince ourselves it doesn't apply to us, or wasn't meant for us, IS an area of disobedience on our part.  Think on those things, watch for the way you are telling God that He is not, but that you are.  Let Him show you how your way ends in destruction, but His way ends in life.

In first Samuel, Saul didn't fully follow God.  He often times was more worried about what the people thought than God.  He certainly didn't do what He was told, but allowed his own interpretation to cloud his obedience.  We're all like Saul when we cling to our self instead of yielding to His spirit.

What areas of your stubbornness have come to mind?  Yield to His ways.

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