Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Notes discussed that finish Isaiah on 09318.

Ch 65 New heavens and new earth

Glory to God, some people find Him without looking for Him (Israel). He chose
Israel not the other way around. They can seek Him without asking and will
find Him without looking. He says to them "here am I", He is reaching out to
those that don't want relationship and tried to ignore Him.

He has reached out to a rebellious people, people who walk following their own
thoughts (turning their backs to Him-going their own way) rather than His
which is not good.

Still reaching even though their rebellion provokes Him, they offer sacrifices
to other gods- make up religions (potluck- Message). Like a spouse committing
adultery this people put something other than God first. They spend the night in tombs- worshipping the dead and seeking answers from them. Is relying on "tried and true" similar, rather than checking with God?

They eat forbidden foods, and unclean meat, try to hide from Him. All the
things He has said are not in their best interest and yet they do it. Like
children who test the rules.

Deny fellowship with each other- make a hierarchy - one person thinks they are
better than another. Not good not God's way

These things reach God's nostrils- He can smell them, it makes Him gag

He seemingly keeps silent, He seemingly accepts, but our sins are written
before Him and he is warning He will repay. Our sin and iniquity of not
following God's direction will manifest itself within our being. It will cause
us health and other problems, and yet we don't realize this and reject our own
ways. It is also generational, our disobedience shows up in our children, they
follow our examples. Even though God is willing to forgive us, sometimes the
consequences of our former sins have to be dealt with.

vs 7 - so none of us is good enough, and God will repay, which sounds hopeless.

Vs 8 yet God will have clusters of followers, no matter how bad it gets, and He
will act on their behalf. He will protect the faithful. Israel will have
peace He will establish it. Even Achor- he was destroyed for holding back
goods set aside for the Lord (Israel was commanded to stone him and his family)
(Joshua 7:16-26). Those that seek Him He will let find and then He will

Those that forsake God, and forget Him. Ususally to go after fortune (money- a
god a lot of people follow), and destiny -(luck) doing what they want. He will
destine them to the sword, but He reminds He did call to them, He did speak to
them and they chose not to listen, choosing rather to do things He does not

Vs 13- He takes care of His servants- those submitted to Him anchoose Him.
Blessings will be recognized as coming from God. While others will suffer for
their choices. Its interesting that we recognize the importance of "choice" in
many areas- schools, neighborhoods, cars, but yet in others we deny choice -
serving God. People who don't choose God who has called to them will die. God
will hide former things from His sight- He will forget.

New heavens and new earth created- former things forgotten. People will
rejoice in His creation (we can do that already) as they should. Jerusalem for
rejoicing and the people of Jerusalem for gladness.

No more weeping or crying
long life a norm (brought back)
not overtaken - peace and stability
God will be there- personally having relationship with us
No evil or harm.

A wonderful picture of heaven (new earth and new heavens) Isaiah 65:17-25 -
fellowship with God- His presence, like the garden of Eden.

Ch 66

vs 1 we often look to our external works or accomplishments as a reason to for
God to love us. He is saying- as big as we can imagine, He is bigger still.
Also our accomplishments come from His creation - He made the parts and gave us
the wisdom to assemble it. Not only that He already owns what we think we
"give" Him materially.

Its our internal condition that gets His attention- humble and contrite of
spirit, trembling at His word. This is what He seeks.

Hypocrisy (vs 3) people choose their ways and not God's. Killing an ox like
killing a person. Sacrificing a lamb like breaking a dog's neck. I think the
point here is motives and choices. We choose to do things we think God should
"accept" rather than ask God what he wants and obey. We often think we are so
smart, and we delight in it.

Yet it will lead to punishment, He will expose our nonsense. (Prov 10:24)
What the wicked fear they will face, what the righteous desire He will give
them. He desires to be involved, and not letting Him be fully involved makes
us wicked. He also knows our fears, and our fear should be of Him.

He calls, He speaks - we ignore rejecting Him and choosing to do our own thing.
Things that are not good for us.

We should respect His word and believe it and listen to what He tells us
through it. Then obey, even though it will in all likelihood cause family
problems. We are putting God first and rightly so. Our families will taunt us
when we choose God. Message question - they will ask if God is so good , why
aren't we happy?


They ask not because they want to know, but rather to justify their choices
(the ones not of God).

Why do some Christians not seem happy, is it a burden for the lost, Jesus
expressed anguish over Jerusalem.

Vs 7-9 a reference to the re-establishment of the nation of Israel prior to
the time of Jacob's trouble. The 7 years of trib. It did happen in one day
too. Another reference to pregnancy and the certainty of a future event.

The (new?) Jerusalem is a joyous place, God will make Jerusalem's light shine.
Nations will give their glory to it at His word. Some had shed tears over it -
I believe Jesus was one of them. New Christians can learn there and be fed.
It will become apparent the Lord is acting and we will have great boldness-
those of us that are His. The Lord comes in fire with chariots like whirlwind
- the way Elijah was taken. He will slay many- He knows their hearts, and many
will come to an end altogether.

The hand of the Lord will be known to His servants- His actions will be clear.
The Lord will also be indignant with His enemies.

All nations and tongues will see His glory, He'll send missionaries to all
nations, and the Jews will come back to Israel from all nations (they will be
sent back). They will be presented like an offering.

All mankind will bow to Him and worship Him.

They will also see those that did their own thing (rebelled) - and the result
of it.


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