Thursday, March 5, 2009

Notes discussed 0934.

Ch 59 Salvation message- clear

vs1 - we often act as if God is powerless, He is reminding us again that we have the shortcomings in how we see the magnitude of God rather than Him.

Our iniquities separate us from God, not those of our parents or those we sometimes feel justified in blaming for our sins, He hides His face from our sin because He is holy. Our hands are defiled - we act ungodly (set traps for each other), and we speak lies and wickedness.

no one sues righteously- lawsuits, and no one pleads honestly.

We trust confusion, and speak lies (politics)- its our comfort zone. God's truth is something we in our natural body or inclination turn away from. To conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity is to act on our ideas rather than than God's.

v5- We embrace our own dangerous ideas - from that which is crushed a snake breaks forth - law of unforeseen circumstances- its right here in the Bible. Our plans are not well thought out, they meet an immediate need and the details or consequences are never fully considered. Yet God knows the beginning and the end so why don't we trust Him, and take His advice on issues. Is it pride?

v6 our ways our doomed to failure, all ways not from God are doomed to failure, and yet we don't seek Him.

v7 their feet run to anger - we play the blame game, placing blame sooner or later, then watch out- innocent are punished or killed

Our thoughts are thoughts of iniquity- not God's, and anytime our thoughts are not His we are in iniquity. Devestation and destruction result. Peace and justice flee, and we will make our paths crooked. Prov 3:6 - In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make your paths straight.

Justice becomes far from us and we cry out for it, but its our actions that push it away. Another thing to think about is do we really want justice? If we realize our sin condition, do we really want what we deserve? I would say we want mercy instead- the mercy we don't like to give others. We want a pass for us, but yet hold others accountable In our condition of not seeking God nor acknowledging Him we have created darkness where we want light, we walk in gloom. We end up pushing a chain.

We stumble and grope with no vision, hoping for the justice (without really considering it) that we pushed away. We long for salvation- rescue- it too is far.

Our (not other's) transgressions are multiplied before you, our sins tell on us. V12- we know our iniquities- we realize it, we catch a glimpse of our true condition. Have to realize to repent.

we realize we have denied the Lord, and turned away from Him, we say things that oppress people and are not in agreement with God. Lies come from our heart, and justice is turned back - we are responsible for lack of justice, it is reinforced. Righteousness or right thought stands far away, we get so consumed by our unrighteous thoughts.

Truth is denied, based on our actions, the world we made, or are trying to. It is us that should be blamed and not others.

v15- whoever turns aside from evil becomes prey to those in the condition common to man (the one that is apart from God). Once we get to a condition of suffering, we want others to suffer, and we attack those that turn away. The lost attack those that come to the conclusion that there is a better way, and act to seek it. Man's desire is that we all suffer in misery. At this point we call evil good.

The Lord saw, and is still in control (thankfully). He saw no hope from us and had to act Himself, His own arm brought salvation for us. Christ seated at the right hand of God. Armor of God- yes references more later. He desired to do this (wrapped Himself in zeal as a mantle). Desired for us, to give hopeless us hope through Him. According to deeds or actions He will repay. Wrath to adversaries.

v20 a Redeemer for Zion (and those grafted in), who turn from transgression - the act of repentance- turning from. Acknowledged in v12 and turned from v20. He will covenent with those that turn to Him, placing His spirit on them and His words in their mouth. In Ch 57 after one generation of evil there is wickedness. This wickedness can be overcome by acknowledging our condition, our helplessness, and turning to Him away from it. He will place His word in the mouth of our next generations.

As I was typing this I had the thought that those that grow up in the church are somehow "less" wicked, but the description put forth in this chapter applies to all of us, and when we realize our true condition (wicked and helpless), that leads us to repentance (turning away from it and to Him) then God can work with us. His work is everlasting.

Ch 60 Zion's redeemer

A glorified Zion, the glory of the Lord has risen on Israel. Darkness will cover the earth- spiritual or literal? Nations will come to the light of Israel- the Lord. From the darkness they will seek light, in utter darkness and in realizing this condition we seek light.

They all gather and come to you, sons coming from afar and daughters being carried. Abundance of the sea turned to you, wealth of nations come to you- Israel will have something the rest of the world wants, and they will be willing to give up their money, and make a true sacrifice to get it. Livestock and gold. The world will praise God, His house will be glorified. This worldwide revival will be led by the Father Himself.

They will realize God's mercy, He who struck Israel in His anger but has an anger that doesn't linger and who readily forgets. They will seek that favor. Some won't submit and perish. I think the world has to get to a point where most people realize the fallen condition of man. Persecution of Christians will be the final step, we will be labeled as the Obstacle, we will be used as the excuse for the continuing failure of man's ways.

We then ended with a discussion on forgiveness, as part of love and forgettting wrongs- or not keeping a record of 1Cor13. Its hard for us, especially having the knowledge of good and evil (the tree God did not want us to eat from). We want to hold on, guard against future hurts. I think its about perspective - is there anyone you would not want in heaven? God wants all of His creation to be there. Is there anyone that you would give up heaven if you knew they would be there?

I hope the answer is no to both. Hell is not pleasant, and it isn't a place we should want people to go.

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