Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wow its been a while. I'm starting a Wednesday night series on Isaiah. Here are my thoughts so far. Its background info and chapter 1.

First a prayer.
Oh Lord thank you for Your Word. The many generations of faithful hands that have obeyed Your leading to bring us this book. We praise You for Your hand in preserving this record, and may You use it to lead us into submission to Your Will and a walk that is where You desire each of us to go. Help us to hear Your voice. In the name of Your son Jesus thank You, Amen.

Isaiah's background -son of Amoz - King's son, but not in the line to the throne. This certainly gave him access to the palace and meant he was probably well educated and had access to scripture.

Interestingly he wrote books referred to in scripture but not left for us- God didn't think it necessary. What God decided was necessary for us was more like his journal. Isaiah's writings of his walk with God and his experiences - probably unedited and unpolished is what has persevered. He recorded his experiences and probably not as they happened. We all have certain insights we get that we may or may not record and they probably aren't in the order they were received. We like Isaiah may record our thoughts and experiences of our walk with God - God may use them.

The Bible is Sixty six books of a walk with God- not a study but a relationship. What was going on around him? What did he do? What did God show him? What did he record? How does that compare to today? Our actions? and what God shows us?

What did Isaiah experience in his lifetime? The Assyrians were on the scene and he witnessed them taking the Northern most part of the country - then Israel (Samaria) - leaving only Judah. Then they invaded Judah. Then they put a siege on Jerusalem. In other words Israel/Judah were in definite decline throughout his life. Some of that anguish he felt, maybe the helplessness prepared him for God to show him what He had in mind for Israel. The tradition is that Isaiah was sawn asunder (in two) by Mannasseh- It is believed he is the one referred to in Hebrews 11:37.

In preparing this I can tell there are people praying for me, I ask they keep it up. I also ask that they pray that I am faithful in delivering what God gives me through studying this. I would also ask that each of you read it and ponder it, pray about what it means for each of your lives, and share that with the group. We are all special, and God works with us in different ways. We each though have a contribution. I have really been impressed by the following.

We were made of dust by God and He gave us life. A bucket of dust (add water) and we have mud, God makes a person. Its interesting that the potter and the clay are talked about in this book. It has been very strong though, it doesn't mean we are nothing and undeserving (as false humility could lead us to believe) but rather God has made each of us uniquely and specially- He wants us, (parents sometimes don't want their kids) He always does. Our very life is a gift from Him, and so are all the things we treasure. Too bad we too often put created things ahead of our creator.

Isaiah was a bucket of dust that God made a person out of for that place and time. He recorded what God told him, and God saved it for us. The book of Isaiah was one of the dead sea scrolls (so we got a copy that dates back to 200 BC).

Ch 1 v2 and 3- as a parent rears children so has the Lord reared Israel. He has like a parent the very best of hope for them, but they have rejected Him. Become prodigal. Farm animals know their allegiances, but people with the "knowledge of good and evil" miss or ignore His leading, and don't seek or abide by His guidance. Apart from Him we are nothing (dust), He gives us life and the choice whether to serve Him or go our own way. Either way He is still our Creator and the Creator of what is around us.

Animals know their owners, but that "knowledge" has made us so smart, so prideful- we just don't understand. We are blinded by our pride. In Isaiah's day as ours we are blind, prideful and un-acknowledging of the role of God in our lives.

Israel in Isaiah's day turned away, and we turn away - I doubt I'm fully submitted to God are you? Here's a test- think of something dear to you: house, car, job, activity, sport, land, boat, child, health, fitness, church, Krispy Kremes - are you really willing to give them up? I like to hike- if God says no more, would I sulk? would I say - You know best God. Children just make me shudder to think about.

He wants our full submission, not just when its easy. He gave us the choice to submit, just like He gave breath to our bodies. Some of us may not be ready in some areas, and most of us probably aren't ready in an area or two. God is our Father and He knows where we are at. Just like us with our children there may be things they aren't ready for yet and us parents "cover". God covers us with His love. Anyone who thinks they have arrived are probably not being honest.

To Study Isaiah I want to refer to Proverbs 1:24-33 The Lord calls out, the people reject (again- the Lord calls out, and the people reject). When that happens they can expect calamity, fear and dread- exactly what Israel was facing in those days. Is the world facing that in these days?

V7 Leviticus keep commandments and statutes and prevent invasions, strangers devouring fields is invasion.

Calamity brings about sacrifice- we run to God in crisis, they did in that day, we do today (9/11) filled churches for a small season. Calamity or crisis makes us abandon the things we treasure when things are going well. Do you really care about your car if a loved one is seriously ill? The Lord was tired of sacrifices- He wanted them to do justice.

Worthless offerings- offerings to God should cost us something. Something that requires sacrifice on our part. time (time away from favorite shows, but probably deeper- time away from family. Where is the proper mix- God before family, family before God. Offerings should cost us money- something I think we all value. What things do we value? The things we have a hard time submitting to God. Same list- we must put Him before them to show our earnestness. Saul captured sheep to sacrifice to God- what did it cost him?

They had festivals and feasts He did not ordain, they put those celebrations before service to Him. He will hide His eyes from seeing us pray, He will not listen.

In doing our own thing, our own way, our hands bloodstained. They become that way just as how it was in Isaiah's day. He warns us verse 16 -turn from your way put God first. Cleanse yourself- this means acknowledge the dirt and wash it off. Would we take baths if we didn't think we were dirty? We must quit doing evil- remove it from His sight

Where can God see?- Everywhere- so then to remove something from His sight we must? STOP doing it.

Learn to do good- learning is a two step process. 1st gain the knowledge, and then put it into practice refining the practice through experience. Do parents feel more confident of their ability to parent when the second child comes along- as opposed to the first? Does the person who has cooked spaghetti a thousand times feel more confident about how it will turn out than the one trying for the first time?
Repetitively doing good takes practice- some care must be taken against pride here, doing good doesn't make us good.
V17 seek justice
reprove (correct) the ruthless
defend the orphan
plead for the widow (Compare to Micah 6:8)

v19 our basic choice:
trust His judgement- have faith in Him
Rely on our knowledge of what is good and evil and do as we see fit

His way is life
Our way is death

Grace- no matter where we are, or how far we have fallen, He is calling us back- the decision to follow Him must be first.

A decline of the city is described. Clear choices have been given by God and yet some will choose other than God. It like us is His city, on His earth and He will redeem it. Repentant ones with righteousness.
Oaks and gardens chosen- things we feel we control but our really idols- creation not the Creator
Men's strength will leave (our strength comes from God- are we not dust otherwise?)

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