Monday, July 21, 2008

I am heart broken. Some people would say I am depressed and in reading the Bible you might think "depression" is a natural state. I think it certainly is something used by God.

I forgot which great preacher in history talked about depression as a precursor to the moving of God. There was one.

How can anyone not be depressed, I see so many people "spinning their wheels", "pushing a chain" - working diligently at going nowhere. There are so many examples of hunger in this world, injustices against one human by another, and yet a general acceptance of that as normal. Its not normal, it is the result of sin in our lives as humans. Selfishness, wanting our way, promoting our agenda.

We can't legislate it, we can't make people do it, they have to decide to put others first, then we can solve problems. I see the answers to the problems as a need for more gospel, but that notion is rejected out of hand as not being for me, I want to do it my way (selfish).

I see people struggle, looking for and easy way, a quick fix. They don't want to invest the effort or time into real solutions. They don't want to serve others. They want their gratification now.

I also am experiencing joy. God is big enough to bring about change, and one day things will be different. There will be a other focused world and not a self focused one. He will establish His world over the course of 7 years, so truly nobody should be left behind. It will be their choice. Its interesting that Moses charged the Israelites with reading the law to everyone every 7 years -Deut 31:10-11.

Imagine a world where people do look out for each other, do make sure their neighbor is fed, do place resources where they are needed. I so long for that world. A world where children can play, there are no wars, and everyone encourages each other. Thy Kingdom come.

I'm starting Joshua, I normally associate crossing the Jordan with going to heaven, I love the song "Elijah" and the artist that did that is gone. But Joshua can be considered an entering into God's blessings, or accepting His promises. The Israelites knew of God in the dessert, but didn't accept Him. It took them forty years (actually an entire generation) for God to get them to a position where He could bless them. Well that isn't exactly true- God is not time limited- my point however is that the stiff-necked people weren't ready to receive what God wanted to give them.

A new believer is like that in some respects, he/she knows of God and wants the things of God but hasn't crucified their flesh or their non-Godly (fleshly) ways. Therefore they can't truly receive His blessings and His best for them. It may take (and probably does) years for God to work in a life to prepare a person to truly walk with Him. Again its not because God is limited but that we are "stiff-necked". God has the "time" and it is His nature to be ready when we are. He stays ready- we have to come to Him.

Well back to Joshua and God's charge to Joshua in getting ready to cross the Jordan. Verse 3 for the ready Christian everywhere we step foot God has given to us- powerful, awesome, amazing. This means to me that any Christian ready to receive God's blessing - He promises it.

Verse 5 No man will be able to stand before you ... I will not fail you or forsake you. That is the thing I struggle with the most, I can see His Hand in my life in the past but I still entertain fear of the future and His continuing presence. Yet the Bible is full of promises just like that one. No person can hinder God's work in our lives or the blessings He has for us- WOW.

Be strong and courageous-its repeated a couple times, meditate on His word. I feel I have one down- the habit of reading and meditating, the strong and courageous part I need His help. Don't look at circumstances, people, but trust Him.

May I be strong and courageous in my continued walk with Him, accepting what He wants to give me and fearing no man. Please Lord help us in our weak areas.

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