Saturday, June 14, 2008

What a tumultuous week, lots of ups and downs and a bout with depression. All of it was about things of this world. I read the end of Leviticus and the start of Daniel. I needed reminding from Daniel this week, but it did not necessarily make it easy.

Leviticus- Don't wrong one another- that scripture spoke very clearly concerning something happening at work, and my skepticism concerning motives. That was then followed by don't make for yourselves idols. In contemplating that it occured to me that we should God first (which isn't news) and then His creation (specifically other humans), and then the things we create like institutions, and houses and cars. Putting a creation of man before a creation of God's, or anything before God Himself is idolatry. I saw real examples of that this week, well maybe its better to say I suspected it strongly.

The end of Leviticus is very comforting- if we walk in His statutes and keep His commandments, He will dwell with us walk with us. If we don't then sudden terror, invasion, fear and being ruled by those that hate us will be the reality. If your life is full of fear- embrace Him closer, until you feel Him dwelling with you and walking with you. Its interesting the fear and upleasantness is brought about by our not being obedient. Even though things are difficult he won't reject us, but our lives may not be as pleasant as we wish. Our wickedness leads to punishment but not rejection. Finally another verse on tithes. A tenth is the Lords, but if we want it back (for somethings that is possible) we must add 20% to the value to redeem it or buy it back.

Now Daniel- I rejected a promotion offer initially this week then had thoughts of reconsideration come to mind. This was followed by colleagues telling me I should reconsider. Then I got to read about Daniel. Nebuchadnezzar had a fearful dream and commanded that people not only interpret the dream but tell him what it was. I think as a manager getting those under you to state your concerns is an interesting concept. They have to be tuned in to you, and forget their own agendas. As far as knowing dreams of others that is clearly in the realm of God, and it took Daniels three friends praying for God to share the dream and its interpretation- otherwise they were going to be killed. Once God answered the prayer Daniel praised Him, something we don't do enough (or at least me).

I like to blanket praise and say anything good in me is the work of God, but specifically He does lead me, for which I am truly thankful.

Daniels interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream assure him long life and success. I think that led to pride in Nebuchadnezzar's case. The entire next chapter is about the golden image he had made and ordered everyone to worship. But its another reminder of why God doesn't tell us our future. If we knew in most cases our pride would take over and we would do things whereby God would have to intervene, we would be tempted to put Him to the test. He'll give us knowledge and discernment if we ask, but seldom tell us our futures. The only exception I see to that is when our death is imminent. Many people in the Bible knew that their death would be soon, because God told them.

The golden image came about due to his pride, but the miracle of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego didn't turn him completely from his pride. An example of how we all must personally experience things that lead us to change. It wasn't until his pride caused God to make him lose his mind and he realized it that he dealt with his pride. The greatest king in history acknowledged that God could humble even him. That Belteshazzar is the next story is a reminder for us parents that our kids may know our story, but they need their own experiences to develop their behavior.

On a side note, I was reminded this last week of the lack of personal knowledge many people have of God. I sent what I thought was a blessing to people and received some surprising responses. I was also reminded in the form of an immediate prayer request that our priorities often get out of order.

My prayer is that God will bless everyone, and the people He has given me as friends to know personally I specifically remember prayerfully from time to time.

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