Sunday, June 29, 2008

Week of June 27, 2008 thoughts.

It has been a while (about two weeks). I took my mother for her HS reuinion out of state and we had a marvelous time. I personally don't believe in coincidenses although sometimes I use the term (out of habit), but rather I believe its the favor of God. She called them "God winks" so I looked the term up Biblically and wink doesn't have too much of a positive connotation. We certainly experienced His favor. My thoughts are at the end.

Numbers 14:18 our iniquity affects our children and grandchildren and great grandchildren. Actions have consequences which is the way God made it (of course He can change those things, we cannot). He doesn't harm our children because of what we did - we do, it is a consequence of our actions.

Numbers 14:41, the people see that they have missed their chance at the promised land and God told them they had. They decide to go anyway. They even confessed their sin, but their not entering the promised land is a consequence of their previous actions. We also can't be God and do what we want, its still about what the Lord says.

Numbers 20:4-5 the Israelites ask why they left Egypt to die in the wilderness. They died in the wilderness out of their choices and actions having seen the cloud by day and the fire by night. Imagine being able to walk not very far and seeing the presence of the Lord. This statement is interesting because some people don't want to leave their bondage, they want to be slaves.

Balak and Balaam, talking donkey. Donkey saw angel of the Lord, Elisha (or Elijah- I need to look that up) saw the hosts of heaven that were there for us but his servants did not. It would be nice to see the angels working for us.

Daniels visions - after mourning three weeks, no tasty food. Tremendous visions- after a sacrifice (of sorts) and a centering on God.

Hosea 1:8 Good things for Israel come from God, good things for us from God.

What did I see on the trip to NY? A room full of people apprehensive of the future. The economy, the election, the .... References to past, lots of well wishing, Public acknowledgement of God was very rare, and it is something that isn't just in NY but everywhere I go. Sure we hear "God forbid" but that is habitual, a saying we pick up, it is seldom thought about. But I saw the favor of God constantly, and I prayed that He would bless those we came across.

A show came on TV where to gay men where raising children. A woman that did not believe this should be allowed was going to spend time there "getting to know", its all for TV and I'm sure she got paid in some way. It struck me that the real issues aren't discussed. God made it to where it takes a man and a woman to have a child (a blessing on their union) and legislation calling them a family or parents cannot change that fact. The other fact is that you can't legislate morality, preventing these people from raising (someone else's unwanted or inconvenient children) isn't going to happen just because we pass a law. Loop holes will be found. So the show focused on the woman's belief that it was wrong -although she couldn't articulate it, versus their belief that being part of this family was better than foster care. They cared for their children deeply.

Today's sermon was wonderful- submit to Christ and let Him use us as He will. I so needed that, and that we are living in His kingdom now.

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