Sunday, June 29, 2008

Week of June 27, 2008 thoughts.

It has been a while (about two weeks). I took my mother for her HS reuinion out of state and we had a marvelous time. I personally don't believe in coincidenses although sometimes I use the term (out of habit), but rather I believe its the favor of God. She called them "God winks" so I looked the term up Biblically and wink doesn't have too much of a positive connotation. We certainly experienced His favor. My thoughts are at the end.

Numbers 14:18 our iniquity affects our children and grandchildren and great grandchildren. Actions have consequences which is the way God made it (of course He can change those things, we cannot). He doesn't harm our children because of what we did - we do, it is a consequence of our actions.

Numbers 14:41, the people see that they have missed their chance at the promised land and God told them they had. They decide to go anyway. They even confessed their sin, but their not entering the promised land is a consequence of their previous actions. We also can't be God and do what we want, its still about what the Lord says.

Numbers 20:4-5 the Israelites ask why they left Egypt to die in the wilderness. They died in the wilderness out of their choices and actions having seen the cloud by day and the fire by night. Imagine being able to walk not very far and seeing the presence of the Lord. This statement is interesting because some people don't want to leave their bondage, they want to be slaves.

Balak and Balaam, talking donkey. Donkey saw angel of the Lord, Elisha (or Elijah- I need to look that up) saw the hosts of heaven that were there for us but his servants did not. It would be nice to see the angels working for us.

Daniels visions - after mourning three weeks, no tasty food. Tremendous visions- after a sacrifice (of sorts) and a centering on God.

Hosea 1:8 Good things for Israel come from God, good things for us from God.

What did I see on the trip to NY? A room full of people apprehensive of the future. The economy, the election, the .... References to past, lots of well wishing, Public acknowledgement of God was very rare, and it is something that isn't just in NY but everywhere I go. Sure we hear "God forbid" but that is habitual, a saying we pick up, it is seldom thought about. But I saw the favor of God constantly, and I prayed that He would bless those we came across.

A show came on TV where to gay men where raising children. A woman that did not believe this should be allowed was going to spend time there "getting to know", its all for TV and I'm sure she got paid in some way. It struck me that the real issues aren't discussed. God made it to where it takes a man and a woman to have a child (a blessing on their union) and legislation calling them a family or parents cannot change that fact. The other fact is that you can't legislate morality, preventing these people from raising (someone else's unwanted or inconvenient children) isn't going to happen just because we pass a law. Loop holes will be found. So the show focused on the woman's belief that it was wrong -although she couldn't articulate it, versus their belief that being part of this family was better than foster care. They cared for their children deeply.

Today's sermon was wonderful- submit to Christ and let Him use us as He will. I so needed that, and that we are living in His kingdom now.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

What a tumultuous week, lots of ups and downs and a bout with depression. All of it was about things of this world. I read the end of Leviticus and the start of Daniel. I needed reminding from Daniel this week, but it did not necessarily make it easy.

Leviticus- Don't wrong one another- that scripture spoke very clearly concerning something happening at work, and my skepticism concerning motives. That was then followed by don't make for yourselves idols. In contemplating that it occured to me that we should God first (which isn't news) and then His creation (specifically other humans), and then the things we create like institutions, and houses and cars. Putting a creation of man before a creation of God's, or anything before God Himself is idolatry. I saw real examples of that this week, well maybe its better to say I suspected it strongly.

The end of Leviticus is very comforting- if we walk in His statutes and keep His commandments, He will dwell with us walk with us. If we don't then sudden terror, invasion, fear and being ruled by those that hate us will be the reality. If your life is full of fear- embrace Him closer, until you feel Him dwelling with you and walking with you. Its interesting the fear and upleasantness is brought about by our not being obedient. Even though things are difficult he won't reject us, but our lives may not be as pleasant as we wish. Our wickedness leads to punishment but not rejection. Finally another verse on tithes. A tenth is the Lords, but if we want it back (for somethings that is possible) we must add 20% to the value to redeem it or buy it back.

Now Daniel- I rejected a promotion offer initially this week then had thoughts of reconsideration come to mind. This was followed by colleagues telling me I should reconsider. Then I got to read about Daniel. Nebuchadnezzar had a fearful dream and commanded that people not only interpret the dream but tell him what it was. I think as a manager getting those under you to state your concerns is an interesting concept. They have to be tuned in to you, and forget their own agendas. As far as knowing dreams of others that is clearly in the realm of God, and it took Daniels three friends praying for God to share the dream and its interpretation- otherwise they were going to be killed. Once God answered the prayer Daniel praised Him, something we don't do enough (or at least me).

I like to blanket praise and say anything good in me is the work of God, but specifically He does lead me, for which I am truly thankful.

Daniels interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream assure him long life and success. I think that led to pride in Nebuchadnezzar's case. The entire next chapter is about the golden image he had made and ordered everyone to worship. But its another reminder of why God doesn't tell us our future. If we knew in most cases our pride would take over and we would do things whereby God would have to intervene, we would be tempted to put Him to the test. He'll give us knowledge and discernment if we ask, but seldom tell us our futures. The only exception I see to that is when our death is imminent. Many people in the Bible knew that their death would be soon, because God told them.

The golden image came about due to his pride, but the miracle of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego didn't turn him completely from his pride. An example of how we all must personally experience things that lead us to change. It wasn't until his pride caused God to make him lose his mind and he realized it that he dealt with his pride. The greatest king in history acknowledged that God could humble even him. That Belteshazzar is the next story is a reminder for us parents that our kids may know our story, but they need their own experiences to develop their behavior.

On a side note, I was reminded this last week of the lack of personal knowledge many people have of God. I sent what I thought was a blessing to people and received some surprising responses. I was also reminded in the form of an immediate prayer request that our priorities often get out of order.

My prayer is that God will bless everyone, and the people He has given me as friends to know personally I specifically remember prayerfully from time to time.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Its been an interesting week reading in Leviticus. I used to think of sacrifice as something we lost in giving it to God, but considering in the old testament the animal gave up its life, the sacrifices of time and effort on a personal level is what God is after. Its a this world sign acknowledging our belief, an action to back up words. If your sacrifice doesn't cost you anything, then it isn't a sacrifice.

For instance if it is flour you bring for sacrifice it must be fine flour- finely ground -which takes longer more effort either personally or more cost associated in having someone grind it to that condition. The sacrifices were to be without honey or leaven (things we don't make)- bread rises without our effort, and bees make honey. If its an animal it had to be without defect- a choice animal good for reproducing and continuing income, also young so many offspring possibilities.

In the light of those kinds of sacrifices how do they compare to ours of today? Has it cost you time and physcical effort to sacrifice, are you giving Him future wealth possibilities. Now we have to be careful, He would rather have obedience than sacrifice, so like most things we can concentrate too much on sacrifice and comparing ours to other's and miss the point.

The poor are told to sacrifice, so it is possible for everyone to give up something as a sacrifice to God. I also wondered how many people who could afford sheep sacrificed turtledoves or pigeons. I'm guessing the poor would have had to make the effort to catch the birds.

Lev 14:34 is interesting, the Lord can put a mark of leprosy on a house, which will mean it will have to be inspected by the priest, and possibly reinspected. Clean and unclean and atonement, live cleanly and make atonement for uncleaness- this is going to fit later with the command to "be holy". The scapegoat also had the sins of Israel confessed over it (Verbally).

We are not supposed to eat blood or the fat. Blood is life, what is the fat??? I'm looking for that one as I read.

Most of Leviticus is defining sin and rules for living. In the book the steps of sin are clearly stated: knowledge of, confession of, sacrifice, restitution (20%) and forgiveness of those that sin against you is very important. Confession -do we confess our sins like they were told to do over the scapegoat? as we discover them verbally? Do we make sacrifice based on our transgression showing our desire to turn from our ways? Do we make restitution? Do we forgive those that sin against us?

Leviticus 17- a prescribed way to sacrifice, offer it to the Lord, you are to offer the sacrifice in a way that you don't control how the Lord uses it. Some folks sacrificed in their own way and the Lord said to cut them off from the assembly. In other words we are to give up control.

Leviticus 18 is a do and don't list, but in reading it this year it struck me that it is also God telling the Israelites what happens when people don't acknowledge Him and His ways. He is also forewarning them of the how the people in the promised land will be. They followed what they thought was good in their own eyes, and wound up sacrificing their kids. We call that behavior abortion. They became me focused and not other focused so they tried all kinds of things. God told the Israelites to follow His ways, perform His judgements, keep His statutes. Is it "hate speech" on our part when we say that our God has stated very clearly that homosexuality is not a good idea? It isn't hate to warn people who are breaking a statute of God, but rather actually an act of love, its not our opinion but His, and we recognize He will deal with those that continue or don't repent. Also its interesting that the way God prescribes things has a logical basis and in depth research supports what God has said. For example - children need a father.

Do what the Lord says, just because someone else does it, does NOT justify it. If we follow the ways of men it will be a trap.

In Leviticus 19 we are to be personally Holy just as our Father is Holy, and we are striving to walk with Him. In harvesting don't glean it all, but leave some. Leave others an opportunity, don't strive to be perfectly efficient and watch out for greed. In verse 17 correct your neighbor, but do not hate them. First fruits, first part of income or the first part of the blessings received from God are His for us to sacrifice and give back. Then there is the verse don't profane daughters and make them play the harlot and I am reminded of all the youthful pictures we see on magazine covers.

EZE 33:13 The Lord tells someone they will live due to their righteousness, and then the person trusts in the righteousness (not God)and commits iniquity. We must trust in the Lord and realize that any righteous we exhibit comes from Him. Once we get satisfied that we are righteous, then pride and iniquity is at the door.

EZE 33:14 The Lord tells the wicked they will die, and the wicked turns and becomes righteous and makes restitution- then they live. I think the key to this verse is realizing and acknowledging God holds our lives in His hand so if he tells us we will die we can believe it. Restitution is true repentance.

EZE 34:2 Shepherds should feed the flock and not themselves. The Lord will feed the flock. As part of the flock I enjoy sharing what I discover with each of you. I hope its encouraging, some of what has been shared with me has increased my desire to keep studying and going deeper.

Question -is the city described in Ezekiel former or future (it sounds like New Jerusalem, but there will be sacrifices???)?