Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Notes from Isaiah Bible study December 17, 2008

Judah is warned that their pact will not help them - they made a pact of protection- this probably refers to the pact they made with Egypt when the Assyrians were a threat. It was not God directed though nevertheless those in Judah felt secure in their alliance so they scoffed at the threat. It was an alliance with men. Even though the Assyrians were going around them, yet they convinced themselves they were safe. Some people don't want to face reality. What is reality- is it what our five senses tell us or is it "thus saith the Lord"? Its easy to see why people convince themselves of certain things.

God set Jesus as a cornerstone (or would) - Himself- believing and trusting in God would be the only way not to be "disturbed". A cornerstone - Christ reference, he that believes in Christ will not be disturbed. The cornerstone will be based on justice and righteousness, lies will be swept away.

The Lord is stating His sovereignty- our works are nothing, our pacts are worthless unless they are ordained by God. Their supposed safety was to be trampled, anytime day or night- terror would come along. We live in a society today longing for safety:
we buy insurance why? -for the unexpected, the sudden, we're sending OUR money to "Egypt" (in a sense) on the backs of camels to a people who can't help us. the insurance premiums you pay will almost invariably be more than you ever get back.

We want to know, and God says we can't know- we must trust Him

Their security, their alliance with men will be trampled, often, trampling will bring about terror, too short of a bed(crowded), not enough blanket (scarce). Yet God gave them a choice. Securuty comes through trusting God. Scoffing at the threat (without God) was a bad thing to do. Decisive destruction on all the earth- a present and future glimpse.

Its a cycle like farming, Gods promises will come about in due time (His time- not ours). God also reaches out to people in different ways (like they are different plants). God reaches out to them (attends to them) in the manner that is best for them. Like God is sensitive to us we should be sensitive to others.

Ch 29 Imminent siege of Jerusalem

God is going to allow His city of Jerusalem to be taken. It will be surrounded by the Assyrians, but He will act on His behalf and slay the threat. Later He will allow the city to be taken by the Babylonians. Their false sense of security will fail them- He will let them return to the dust He created them from.

Vs5 - the enemies (assyrians) will become dust- yet another reminder that He will act at least initially.
later the city gets it.

One of the amazing things about this book is that the same things are repeated so many times- the prophecy is given in so many ways that you can't miss it. Even though we are all different and have different view, and hear the same things differently, God patiently and repeatedly shows us what He wants us to know.

Things happen fast, which is interesting that when God does act its sudden, although we would tend to think while we are waiting around for it that it is slow. Things will happen so fast that it will seem as if we were dreaming. Dreams can seem so real, and yet when we wake up we realize they aren't. This life may seem that way, as compared to eternity spent with God

Instantly and suddenly in verse 5 becomes be delayed and wait in verse 9. Be blind, asleep, be in a position where you can't see the Lord getting ready to act. The Lord ordained it- he turned off the warnings.

The entire vision we can get a glimpse of, but we can't know it- not yet. Its a faith thing- we must act on faith. Its also reality - we get a sense of true reality- God in control and on the throne, but we can't explain it, we can't predict it, because we can't know for certain. Again its back to trusting Him, not our own efforts, our own intellect.

We also must act- drawing near to God with words alone does not mean our hearts are committed. Our reverence of God becomes ritual-by ritual we feel like we can be in control - God I will honor you by taking Sunday off, but Saturday I'm going to go to that bar. We then convince ourselves we are wise- we have it figured out but we don't. Our discernment and wisdom are worthless- again it is without God's direction.

We feel we can hide things from God, which we can't. We can only hide them from man- we may acknowledge God knows about them- we may justify them - we may think He won't act (He loves us too much). But when we do such we are denying God's sovereignty, we are denying His rightful place in our lives. We have turned things around and feel we have a better understanding than God.

God will act (without the help of men- something we often forget- I think of Iraq). To think He NEEDS are help is to raise us up and lower Him. We may act out of obedience to Him, but He will accomplish what He wills with or without us.

Blessings- the deaf will hear, the blind will see, the afflicted will increase in gladness to the Lord, the needy will rejoice in the Lord. (Jesus)

Ruthless come to an end, people indicted by a word (one witness), people who act as judges (adjudicates). Jacob will see His people in their midst and turn to Him

Ch 30 Judah's dependence on Egypt

Another warning against alliance with Egypt ( Hezekiah tried to make an alliance against the Assyrians) without God's direction. They sought Egypt for safety from tha Assyrin threat. The Lord delivered them miraculously from slavery in Egypt, but how quickly they forgot. Another common theme in the Bible. God does something in a life- they attribute it to God but then later think He can't or won't act again so they have to make alliances or arrangements. Looking back its easy to see God working in our past, but we need to be cognizant that He is just as present now and is also in our future.

Egypt looked like a good choice for safety- they were seemingly strong. In modern day is the US Israel's Egypt? We seem strong. Well back then they sent their money for protection to the Egyptians which God said could not protect them.

It was a time of rebellious people - who refused to listen to God. many younger people have told me that morality and religion isn't an important consideration in selecting a political candidate. Sons who refuse to listen to instruction from the Lord. They didn't/don't want to hear what God has to say, they only wanted to hear the good things- even if it was lies. They wanted nothing to do with the Lord.

The Lord promised in that day quick - unexpected change -complete. In repentance and rest they would be saved, in quietness and trust would be their strength. They weren't willing. They had the answers, they would flee from the crisis.

God longs to be gracious to them, and He waits. He will come back. People will turn to Him, He will show them the way to walk.

The Lord comes to shake the nations, to put the brible in their mouth that leads to desruction. There will be gladness in heart for His people. Celebration and festival in heaven, punishment and judgement on earth.

Topheth lake of fire prepared, Topheth was the place where children were sacrificed to molech. Its interesting the same place is referenced. A place where the wicked burned the innocent is the same place the wicked will end up

Ch 31 God's deliverence

God and not egypt will deliver His people. They see strength, man's answer. God will cause the "help" to stumble. He who helps will stumble and he who is helped will fall - blind leading the blind Matthew 15:14

The Lord promises He will protect Jerusalem, and asks His people to repent and turn to Him. Which will eventually happen, but hasn't yet.

The Assyrians will fall by a sword not of man (but of God). They will see a miracle first hand and not repent, nor turn to Him

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